Science - USA (2020-06-05)

(Antfer) #1
1042 Shuttered natural history
museums fight for survival
But creative scientists vow recovery
and move research and public programs
online By E. Pennisi

1044 Europe bets R&D spending
will bring jobs to battered economy
Horizon Europe gets €13.5 billion
to spend fast, spur growth
By N. Wallace

1045 Bill would supersize NSF’s
budget—and role
Legislation calls for $100 billion increase,
new technology directorate, and new name
By J. Mervis

1046 Double trouble
The brightest supernovae, used as
cosmic yardsticks, have an unexpected
PHOTO: NOAH BERGER/AP PHOTO trigger: pairs of dead stars By D. Clery

SCIENCE 5 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6495 1031


1036 News at a glance

1038 Sex hormones signal why virus
hits men harder
Emerging role of androgens suggests potential
therapies to suppress infection By M. Wadman

1039 Blood vessel injury may spur
disease’s fatal second phase
Damage to vessel lining may drive mysterious
clotting disorders, inflammation
By C. Matacic

1041 The pandemic’s first major research
scandal erupts
Critics question patient data used to challenge
malaria drugs By K. Servick and M. Enserink


5 JUNE 2020 • VOLUME 368 • ISSUE 6495



1050 Blue carbon from the past
forecasts the future
Coastal mangrove ecosystems must rise
above sea level to survive By C. E. Lovelock
REPORT p. 1118

1052 The specifics of innate
immune memory
Innate immune cells develop specific memory
involved in transplant rejection in mice
By J. Domínguez-Andrés and M. G. Netea
REPORT p. 1122

1053 Testicular-borne factors affect
sperm fertility
Immature testicular germ cells secrete factors
that influence sperm maturation in mice
By T. Lord and J. M. Oatley
REPORT p. 1132

1055 Deep-ocean seafloor islands
of plastics
The processes controlling sediment transport
also concentrate microplastics By D. Mohrig
REPORT p. 1140

1056 The link between electrolytes
and metals
Photoelectron spectroscopy maps a
gradual transition for solvated electrons
in ammonia By C. M. Isborn

1057 Unblinding with infrared nanosensors
Gene therapy and nanotechnology come
together to fight degenerative blindness
By K. Franke and A. Vlasits
REPORT p. 1108

1058 Follow the barcoded microbes
Genetically engineered spores give object
provenance technology new avenues
By J. Nivala
REPORT p. 1135

1060 Serology assays to manage COVID-
Measurement of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 will
improve disease management if used correctly
By F. Krammer and V. Simon

1062 Donald Kennedy (1931–2020)
Eminent public intellectual who served science
and society By G. C. Daily and P. R. Ehrlich

1063 Which interventions work best
in a pandemic?
We can exploit randomized controlled trials,
compartmental models, and spillovers
By J. Haushofer and C. J. E. Metcalf

Published by AAAS
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