Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 453 (2020-07-03)

(Antfer) #1

Irresistible (2020)

After retired Marine colonel Jack Hastings
(Chris Cooper) is captured on viral video
drawing attention to the plight of his right-
wing Wisconsin town’s undocumented
workers, Democrat strategist Gary Zimmer
(Steve Carell) recruits him as a candidate for
the mayoralty.


  1. Irresistible is written and directed by Jon
    Stewart, who hosted The Daily Show from
    1999 to 2015.

  2. In Irresistible, Rose Byrne plays Faith
    Brewster, a Republican strategist who rises to
    the local Democrat challenge.

  3. The script was partially inspired by
    the 2017 special election for Georgia’s
    congressional district. Democrat and
    Republican campaigners spent over $55
    million on this election between them.

  4. Filming locations for Irresistible included
    the city of Rockmart in Georgia.

  5. During filming breaks, Carell and Stewart
    signed autographs for locals and took selfies
    with them.

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