Liverpool FC - UK - Match Liverpool x Aston Villa (2020-07-05)

(Antfer) #1


McGinn, who is a natural-
born match-winner. They’re
a top, top side with so much
to play for, so let’s worry
about trying the best we can
to get the three points today
rather than anything else.
The other stuff looks after
itself if you do your job in
each game. That’s us and
we won’t change.

Was there a particular moment in the season when

you thought to yourself: we can do this, when you

knew it was 'on'...?

Not really. There were a lot of close games. People look

back to November and the games there, but even before

there were so many games we won by a single goal and

with late goals. A lot of people talk about Villa away and

that suits me because that means my headed goal gets

shown a lot – and I don’t get bored of talking about that!

But you can point to so many. Milly’s penalty against

Leicester at home; Adam Lallana’s equaliser at United;

Man City at home after the Villa game; and games like

Leicester, Sheffield United, Wolves after we came back

from Qatar.

You know what, I could just reel off the entire fixture list.

The Premier League is so tough and Man City are the

most unbelievably difficult side to get ahead of and stay

ahead of, it means every kick of every game mattered this


So if there’s a fans vote I’ll get all my family and mates to

vote for my header at Villa, but in truth I couldn’t pick one

game, one win or one goal. It’s been an effort all season.

How important is it to try to win your remaining

games to set some new Premier League records

and finish the season in style?

If you’ve listened to us before and after games all season,

you’ll know it’s not our style to get sucked into statements

or predictions – it’s about the next game only. Today that’s

Aston Villa and it’s going to be hard enough to win this

match, never mind looking at others. I get that it sounds

boring – us saying one game at a time – but that’s us as a

squad, that’s our approach. Why would we change it?

Like I say, we have enough to worry about trying to get

something against Aston Villa. Just look at the quality in

their ranks, including my Scotland team-mate ‘Super’ John

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