Amateur Photographer - UK (2020-07-04)

(Antfer) #1 25



Peter Barker
‘I took the images for this portfolio at a
local studio, using a Canon EOS 80D
DSLR and a second-hand 30mm
Sigma Art lens. The only other gear was
two lights, slightly angled behind the
dancer in softboxes. The background
itself is a white infinity curve, but
appears black in the images because of
the way it was lit. We chucked lots of
flour around, and it was quite a
challenge to keep it all in the frame, as
well as stopping it going all over my
camera (a ripped up plastic bag came in
handy). The model had a good idea of
what to try, having done similar shoots
in the past. I started around f/8 to keep
some depth of field, but went down to
f/7.1, using a shutter speed of 1/125sec
and an ISO of 250. I went for a
consistent look in terms of shooting
angles and editing and love how the
flour looks like wings on some shots.’
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