Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1

68 | Nature | Vol 577 | 2 January 2020


S along a magnetic easy direction and the onset of superparamagnet-
ism. In support of this observation, variable-field magnetization data
collected for 1 (FeCl 2 ) 19 with a sweep rate of 9 mT s−1 revealed magnetic
hysteresis at 2 K with a coercive field of Hc = 70 mT (Fig. 4f).
To determine the magnitude of the barrier to spin reversal for the
confined sheets in 1 (FeCl 2 ) 19 , we collected temperature-dependent
a.c. magnetic susceptibility data under zero d.c. field and at discrete
frequency values ranging from 1 to 1,000 Hz (Extended Data Fig. 6).
A maximum was observed in both the in-phase (χ′) and out-of-phase
(χ′′) magnetic susceptibility data, with the peak shifting only 1.3 K
over the measured frequency range. The frequency dependence in
χ′′ precludes the existence of long-range magnetic ordering, and this
low-temperature behaviour can instead be attributed to either super-
paramagnetism or a glassy magnetic phase transition. The magnitude
of the frequency shift can be quantified using the Mydosh parameter
(γ), which adopts characteristic values for different magnetic behav-
iours^23. We find a Mydosh parameter of 0.14 for the FeCl 2 clusters, which
is most consistent with superparamagnetism. An Arrhenius fitting of
the a.c. susceptibility data affords physically meaningful values for the
spin reversal barrier of Ueff = 16 cm−1 and a relaxation attempt time of
τ 0  = 10−10 s. Notably, these values are competitive with iron(ii) cluster-
based single-molecule magnets^24.
As an additional probe of the magnetic behaviour of 1 (FeCl 2 ) 19 ,
Mössbauer spectra were collected on a microcrystalline sample at
temperatures ranging from 5 to 295 K (Extended Data Fig. 7 and Sup-
plementary Fig. 24). At all temperatures, the spectra exhibit iron(ii)
quadrupole doublets, consistent with the crystallographic environ-
ments in 1 (FeCl 2 ) 17 (Supplementary Fig. 25 and Supplementary Tables 4
and 5), and the spectral fits between 10 and 295 K indicate that 1 (FeCl 2 ) 19
behaves as a paramagnet at these temperatures. Upon cooling from
8 to 5 K, a substantial broadening is observed concomitant with the
gradual appearance of a superparamagnetic sextet with an average
iron(ii) hyperfine field of 9.8(2) T. In conjunction with the a.c. mag-
netic susceptibility data, these results support the observation that
the framework-confined iron(ii) chloride sheet fragments exhibit
superparamagnetism below 8 K.
As research into the electronic and magnetic properties of two-
dimensional materials intensifies^25 ,^26 , increased attention is being paid
towards lateral confinement of monolayers to yield two-dimensional
clusters or quantum dots^27 ,^28. Analogous to the confinement of three-
dimensional materials, confinement of two-dimensional materials is
anticipated to reveal distinct or enhanced physical and chemical prop-
erties, including those associated with edge states^29 ,^30. Understanding
and exploiting the structural influences on the properties of these
two-dimensional clusters will therefore require chemical syntheses
that yield monodisperse and well defined materials.

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Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting sum-
maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at

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