Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1


provides regression analyses that support Extended Data Fig. 13. Sup-
plementary Tables 2–4 include stimulation-inducible module genes,
gene enrichments for modules, and differentially expressed genes that
support transcriptional profiling data. RNA-sequencing data that sup-
port this study have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus
(GEO) under accession number GSE139598. Source Data for Figs. 1–4
and Extended Data Figs. 2–13 are provided with the paper.

Code availability

All R code used for analysis of Seq-Well data is available upon request.

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Acknowledgements This project was funded by the Intramural Research Program of the VRC,
NIAID, NIH and by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (through Aeras to J.L.F. and to A.K.S.).
A.K.S. was also supported, in part, by the Searle Scholars Program, the Beckman Young
Investigator Program, the NIH (5U24AI118672, 2RM1HG006193), and a Sloan Fellowship in
Chemistry. We acknowledge the outstanding work of veterinary and research technicians (J.
Tomko, B. Stein, C. Ameel, A. Myers, N. Schindler, C. Cochran and C. Bigbee), and imaging
personnel (L. J. Frye, J. Borish) at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as attending veterinarian
D. Scorpio and animal program coordinators J. P. Todd, A. Taylor and H. Bao at the VRC, and
BioQual, Inc. for expert animal care. We thank Flynn, Seder and Roederer laboratory members
for discussions, Aeras members M. Fitzpatrick and J. Schaeffer for assistance with BCG, VRC
NHP Immunogenicity Core for technical assistance, and VRC Flow Cytometry Core members
for support. We are grateful to PARI Pharma GmbH for providing the eFlow nebulizer for use in
this study.

Author contributions R.A.S., M.R. and J.L.F., conceived and designed experiments with P.A.D.,
D.J.L., A.K.S., C.A.S., D.C. and A.B. Pre-challenge data was generated at the NIH Vaccine
Research Center under guidance of R.A.S. and M.R., who helped to write manuscript; P.A.D.
wrote animal protocols, coordinated immunizations and NHP sampling, processed samples,
designed flow cytometry panels (with M.R.), performed flow cytometry and analysis, created
figures and helped write the manuscript. J.A.H. helped to develop staining panels, performed
flow cytometry and analysis; M.H.W. and T.K.H. performed Seq-Well assays and transcriptional
profiling analyses, and created figures with A.K.S., who helped to write the manuscript. S.P.
performed antibody assays, BCG quantification in tissues, and flow cytometry with M.K.; P.A.S.
performed PBMC adaptive and trained immunity assays and analysis. Post-challenge data
were generated at the University of Pittsburgh under the oversight of J.L.F., who helped to
write the manuscript; C.A.S. wrote animal protocols and coordinated all animal challenge
experiments; J.J.Z. and M.A.R. processed samples and assessed immunology and
microbiology post-challenge and performed data analysis; N.L.G. performed
immunohistochemistry; C.M.C., P.L.L., E.K., J.L.F. and J.J.Z. performed animal procedures,
necropsies and sample processing; P.M. and A.G.W. performed PET–CT scan, data and
statistical analyses; J.J.Z. and P.M. generated figures from analysed data.

Competing interests Authors from University of Pittsburgh, NIH and MIT have no competing
interests. A.B. is currently an employee of Vir Biotechnology, Inc., which is developing a CMV-
based vaccine candidate for TB.

Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.A.S.
Peer review information Nature thanks Joel Ernst, Stefan Kaufmann and the other, anonymous,
reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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