Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1

114 | Nature | Vol 577 | 2 January 2020



Our study identified a dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disease
caused by impaired caspase-8 cleavage in RIPK1. This condition is dis-
tinct from the previously reported recessively inherited RIPK1-deficient
condition that is characterized by immune deficiency^19 ,^20. By contrast,
we show that patients with one copy of mutated RIPK1 in the caspase-8
cleavage site present with symptoms of immune dysfunction, including
recurrent fevers and lymphadenopathy.
Our data highlight the role of RIPK1 kinase activity in promoting not
only both apoptosis and necroptosis but also transcriptional produc-
tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, which is a previously
underappreciated aspect of RIPK1 biology. These results suggest that
the periodic fevers of these patients may reflect the augmented produc-
tion of cytokines such as IL-6 in response to what may be benign stimuli
for normal individuals. Activated RIPK1 has been shown to mediate
transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines in myeloid lineages, inde-
pendent of cell death, in neurodegenerative diseases^21 ,^22. In addition,
cytokines such as TNF in turn can further promote cell death, thus
establishing a vicious circle of inflammation that culminates in the
development of an autoinflammatory disease.
We show that patient fibroblasts may have developed several com-
pensatory mechanisms to protect against deleterious effects of acti-
vated RIPK1, including downregulating the expression of RIPK1 and
TNFR1, as well as promoting anti-ROS mechanisms. These findings
provide insights into the complex disease mechanisms behind non-
cleavable RIPK1 variants in humans compared to that of the mouse
models. Our study also linked an activating RIPK1 variant to ferroptosis,
which sheds light on the diverse roles of RIPK1 in regulating several
cell death pathways.

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Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting sum-
maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at

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