Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 1 | Comparison of FTS with FRS. a, Schematic of FTS.
b, Schematic of FRS. c, Portions of the background signal contributed by the
sample response to the FTS (blue, first right-hand-side term of equation (1a))
and to the FRS (red, first right-hand-side term of equation (1b)) signals at a fixed

delay (τ = 1, 500 fs). For illustration purposes, the nonlinear upconversion
efficiency was set to 1 and the ‘carved out’ effective window time length to 50 fs
(without loss of generality). Example parameters: 190-fs Gaussian excitation
pulse and 1,139-cm−1 DMSO 2 absorption (see Extended Data Table 1).
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