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VOGUE PARTNERSHIPUNLOCK THE PINTEREST BOARD:HOW TO USE YOUR PINCODEBe inspired by Vogue’s #BeautyWithoutBoundaries Pinterest Board1. Open the Pinterest app on your iPhone or Android device2. Tap your Pinterest camera (it’s up next to the search bar)3. Point your phone at the Pincode (right) to instantly access Vogue’s curated#BeautyWithoutBoundaries Board4. For more chances to see Pincodes in action, visit Vogue, Feelunique andPinterest’s pop-up shop on June 11-15 at Vogue House, London W1.Email [email protected] for more details&ORFNZLVHIURPERWWRPOHIW+DLU5LWXDOVE\6LVOH\5HYLWDOLVLQJ)RUWLI\LQJ6HUXPIRUWKH6FDOS*XHUODLQ5RXJH*GH*XHUODLQ&XVWRPLVDEOH/LSVWLFNLQ*XHUODLQ5RXJH*0LQLPDO&KLF7KH'RXEOH0LUURU&DVH -2QH-HOO\3DFN0XOWL)XQFWLRQDO*HO3ULPHU 0DNH8QLYHUVDO6WLF 7RP)RUG6ROHLO%RG\6KLPPHU2LO$OODYDLODEOHDW)HHOXQLTXH``````FACE THE FUTURETime is of the essence: our days havenever been busier, our lifestyles neverso demanding, our need to execute goodchoices so vitally important. In tandemwith this, our beauty regimes shouldelevate and complement the everyday.Step forward the new generation ofmultitasking products, answeringmultiple concerns all at once. Formulasare innovative, application techniquessimple but effective, and the tutorialswe turn to for advice approachable andabove all, useful.On Pinterest, Pinners are lookingfor inspiration on the latest products,as well as helpful tips and tutorials tobuild assurance in how they approachtheir beauty for both everyday looksand special occasions. There are morethan 7 billion hair and beauty Pin ideason the platform – in short, beauty isbooming on Pinterest. Pins in thiscategory have increased by 75 per centover the past year. “We see people saveideas for every part of their beautyroutine and regimen, not just the finallooks,” says Larkin Brown. “To end upwith a feeling of confidence, ourbeauty-loving audience starts withskincare, then moves on to tutorialsand recommendations to find theperfect makeup, hair style andfragrance. No matter what they’regetting ready for, Pinterest serves as aguide to the products they want to tryand how to use them.”When it comes to making the rightproduct decisions, both confidence andchoice are paramount. “Our mission atFeelunique is to offer a multi-platformexperience for our customers to beinspired and shop freely,” says Joel Palix.“With an unrivalled offering of 500brands and 30,000 products shippedto over 120 countries, we connectbrands and customers globally.” Be freeand choose wisely. Q

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