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THE CECIL BEATON STUDIO ARCHIVE AT SOTHEBY’S1ALL OUTRemove your clothes andaccessories from your wardrobe;that way, you can see exactly whatyou’re dealing with. Place items incategories: trousers in one pile,coats in another, shoes in anotherand so on, so that you can spotrepeat buys – it’s OK to have sevenvariations on a navy sweater, ifyou wear all of them. You’ll alsorediscover forgotten gems.2QUESTION TIMECross-examine yourself.(Warning: this can be anuncomfortable process.) Samplequestions might include: If thoseshoes were in a shop right now,would I buy them? Have I worn thatshirt in the past year? Does that skirtstill fit me? Do I feel comfortablewearing it? If the answer to any ofthe above is no, expel the offendingitem to a donate/resell pile.3ODE TO JOYThere is a caveat: if an itembrings you inordinate joy, even ifyou wear it only once a year, don’tthrow it out. Instead, make surethat it is freshly laundered, that anylost buttons or broken zips havebeen replaced, and that it is storedin a garment bag (not the plasticones from the dry cleaners, though,as they attract dust and dustattracts moths). That way, you aremore likely to reach for it on a whim(and will find it in good order).4SECOND OPINIONAsk a friend whose opinion youtrust to sit with you while you tryon pieces. They will offer an honestassessment of whether an item suitsyou or not. This can be particularlyuseful if you’re a hoarder.5VOX- P O P I TIf you’re unsure about anitem and no one is available tooffer an opinion in person, take aphotograph and initiate a yes/no pollon Instagram. Rejects can be passedon to an admiring friend.6ABOVE THE FRAYDon’t forget your T-shirt andunderwear drawers. GreyingT-shirts that are past their bestshould be recycled – most councilsoffer a textile recycling service.7DE-TAG TIMEIf anything is hanging in yourwardrobe with its price tag still on,it should go on the donate/resell pile.And never keep anything in the hope``````that you’ll lose however-many-poundsin the next month. You probablywon’t, and the offending piece willonly make you feel bad.8REUSE, RESELL,RECYCLEOnce you’ve decided what toexpunge, assess what can be resoldon Ebay, Vestiaire Collective orHewi. Commit to memory anyrunning themes – a pale pastelhue that doesn’t suit your skintone,a neckline that’s unflattering – sothat you don’t make the samemistakes in the future. Keep a totalof what you’ve sold so you canremind yourself how liberating –both psychologically and financially- wardrobe cleansing can be.9CURATETHE RE-HANGInvest in quality hangers(Muji sells excellent cedarwoodones that also ward off moths),then hang your clothes accordingto colour or clothing category. Asyou return pieces to your wardrobe,think about what might be missing:the perfect go-with-anythingsweater or jacket, for example.10BEHAVE LIKEA BOUNCERImpose a one-in, one-out policyon new purchases, and keep atally of your latest buys to preventoverspending. But if you find anitem that makes you want to doa dance on the spot... buy it. Q``````If your clothes railsare full-to-burstingbut you’ve “nothingto wear”, it’s time fora closet cleanse. ElliePithers advises onculling and keeping...DETOXYOU RWA R D R O B ETRENDS63

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