
(Joyce) #1

This project was taken
from Home is Where
You Make it by Geneva
Vanderzeil (Murdoch
Books, £14.99). A guide
to making and styling a
home you love, it’s filled
with DIY ideas and
weekend projects. http://www.
centre, use the staple gun to
staple it in place, then repeat on
the opposite side. Work outwards
along each side, keeping the rug
taut, and adjusting it as you go to
(^05) Repeat Step 4 to secure all four
sides, taking extra care at the
corners. Tuck the excess fabric
underneath neatly at these points
(^06) Once the top is complete, place
a hairpin leg at each corner of the
base and mark the position of each
screw hole using a pencil. Predrill a
hole at each mark for the screws,
using a drill bit slightly smaller than
the screw. Screw the legs in place,
then turn RS up to finish.

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