2020-08-01 Artists & Illustrators

(Joyce) #1


Further inspiration
If you enjoyed Aine Divine’s masterclass, here are more dancers she painted from her sketches

I liked this chalk-and-collage
drawing of my daughter in
her ballet costume, there’s
something pensive about the
tilt of the head, attention
resting on fixing her skirt. It
was drawn in a few minutes
on wrinkled paper.
The watercolour based
upon it turned out quite
different. The angle of the
head was tricky to replicate
and this dancer seems older,
perhaps a prima ballerina.
I enjoyed moulding her
form with the colours of the
skin, mostly Cadmium Red,
Yellow Ochre and Sap Green.

The drawing on the far left
ended up as a mixed-media
painting too. I couldn’t resist
using patterned paper for
the flamboyant skirt and
adding the blue fan. I turned
the board as I was painting
to enhance the diagonal pull
of the pose towards the
top-left corner of the page.
I think I prefer the original
sketch, but I do love the new
colours and the juxtaposed
angles of the hips, head and
shoulders in my painting.
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