editor’s letter
build home
aving decided the time is right to build a new home, the next
step is to choose a design. Many project home builders offer
online virtual tours of their most popular designs and this is an
extremely useful tool but you can’t beat the “try it on for size”
experience that a visit to a display home affords. We talk to
some of this country’s leading home builders and garner their
advice on how to maximise your visit to a display home and why
they recommend the “try before you buy” approach.
A growing number of those building a new home are embarking on a
knockdown-rebuild project. This involves demolishing an old, dated or poorly
designed home and building in its place a home that maximises the potential
of the site and is individually tailored to suit your family’s needs. This is often
the only way to get your dream home in your dream location. There can be
additional challenges building in established suburbs, and extra steps to be
taken, so we asked the knockdown-rebuild experts to talk us through what’s
involved and why the rewards can be considerable.
While visiting a display home is a great way to get a true sense of the
space, fl ow and style of a particular design, and to assess the quality of the
build, there are other ways to gather design ideas and fi nd reputable builders.
One is to look at the winners of your local and state housing awards. Every
year, the Housing Industry Association (HIA) and Master Builders Australia
(MBA) conduct regional and state awards, culminating in national awards
programs. The winning projects are published on the HIA and MBA websites,
giving you an indication of the high calibre of work being produced.
Another is to browse the pages of magazines like BuildHome where you
can see the homes being designed and built by this country’s leading project
home builders, custom builders as well as kit and modular home builders.
Editor Karen Booth
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