Quilt Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
http://www.quiltnow.co.uk 15


From each F8th of Embroidery
colour, cut:
6 4" squares (only cut 4 from
Embroidery Jam)

From binding fabric, cut:
7 2½" x WOF strips

For the quilt, you will need the
following 3½" striped squares units:
12 Menagerie Salmon/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Tiger/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Pencil/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Lichen/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Mermaid/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Opal/Stitched Shadow
8 Menagerie Dahlia/Stitched Shadow
12 Menagerie Salmon/Menagerie Pepper
12 Menagerie Tiger/Menagerie Pepper
12 Menagerie Pencil/Menagerie Pepper
12 Menagerie Lichen/Menagerie Pepper
12 Menagerie Mermaid/
Menagerie Pepper
12 Menagerie Opal/Menagerie Pepper


Cut the 2" Stitched Shadow and
Menagerie Pepper WOF strips in half,
so that you have two shorter strips, the
same length as the WOFQ colour strips.


Match up the corresponding 2"
strips and sew together along the
long edge. Press the seams open, then
sub-cut each strip into six 3½" squares.
(See Pic A.)

For the quilt you will need the
following HST units:


Match up the corresponding
4" squares RST and draw a line
diagonally across one.


Sew ¼" each side of the drawn line
and then cut along the drawn line.
(See Pic B.)


Open out and press the seam towards
the darker fabric to finish. This will
give you two HSTs.


Repeat so that you have all of
the HST units needed. Trim each
HST to 3½".

The blocks are put together in seven
colourways using the following fabric:

Aqua Block Blue Purple Block Green Block

12 Embroidery Strawberry/
white embroidery
12 Embroidery Pumpkin/
white embroidery
12 Embroidery Yarrow/
white embroidery
12 Embroidery Olive/white embroidery
12 Embroidery Turtle/white embroidery
12 Embroidery Hydrangea/
white embroidery
8 Embroidery Jam/white embroidery
12 Stitched Poppy/white embroidery
12 Stitched Penny/white embroidery
12 Stitched Chartreuse/
white embroidery
12 Stitched Grasshopper/
white embroidery
12 Stitched Peacock/white embroidery
12 Stitched Liberty/white embroidery
8 Stitched Iodine/white embroidery

Colourway H STs Striped squares H STs
Red/pink Embroidery Strawberry Menagerie Salmon Stitched Poppy
Orange Embroidery Pumpkin Menagerie Tiger Stitched Penny

Yellow Embroidery Yarrow Menagerie Pencil Stitched Chartreuse
Green Embroidery Olive Menagerie Lichen Stitched Grasshopper

Aqua Embroidery Turtle Menagerie Mermaid Stitched Peacock

Blue/purple Embroidery Hydrangea Menagerie Opal Stitched Liberty
Purple/Pink Embroidery Jam Menagerie Dahlia Stitched Iodine

Closely follow the diagrams

to achieve the tonal effect

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