Quilt Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

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Discover the machine-stitched Hawaiian-style appliqué
technique with Sarah’s easy-to-follow technique guide






Hawaiian appliqué is traditionally a
hand-stitched and needle-turned form of
appliqué using large, radially symmetrical,
natural designs and forms. It displays
natural landscape where it originates
from and a shared love of the islands.
Certain features mark a design as typically
Hawaiian and one is the large central
shape, which is symmetrical along a
number of plains, the echo stitching inside
and outside the design, and the bold
single colour design (though sometimes
additional colour accents may be added).
Traditional Hawaiian appliqué is created
using a needle-turned hand sewing
method, but this method uses your
sewing machine and a standard sewing
foot to produce fast, effective results.
In the 1820s it is believed that missionaries

Sarah’s Hawaiian-style appliqué blocks

◆ 0.5m Heat N Bond
◆ 0.25m black or white fabric
◆ 0.25m contrast
◆ backing & wadding to fit

first introduced the Hawaiians to the
art of quilting. Because the islands are
so isolated, fabric was hard to come
by and so by the 1870s the Hawaiians
had developed a very unique and
distinctive style, sometimes using
just two pieces of fabric. Typically,
one brightly coloured fabric is used
for the large appliqué piece and a
white or cream fabric (usually made
from a bedsheet) was used for the
background. Additional pops of colour
are sometimes added. The traditional
palette was quite simple, resulting in a
bold and easily recognisable quilt. The
appliqué piece fills the entire quilt top
and is cut from a single piece of fabric,
in a similar way to how we would cut
out a paper snowflake.



Cut your Bondaweb into a square and
fold it into four quarters, then fold
that quarter in half to create a triangle.


Draw a pattern! The pattern needs
to touch both sides of the folded
paper and radiate from the centre
point. Fluid lines are good because
natural forms are a firm Hawaiian
favourite and keep the design simple.
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