Quilt Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
http://www.quiltnow.co.uk 61


sew ¼" away from drawn line on each
side. Cut along drawn line, open and
press one square (you only need one).
Add 4½" long border to the left and
right of central square. Add 8½" border
to the top and bottom of the central
square. (See Pic D.)


For Row 1, take a set of four white
triangles. (See Pic E.) Lay the long
side of one white triangle RST with one
side of 3¼" square. Pin and stitch, then
press. Open up the triangle and press
again with SA going in towards the
square. (See Pic F.)


Repeat Step 3 on the opposite side
of the square and at the top and
bottom of the square. (See Pic G.)


Repeat steps 3 and 4 11 more times.


Join two squares by pinning
through the corner of the blue
internal square on each piece to line
the pieces up, then pin on each side.
Stitch this to LH side of the central
square. Repeat. Stitch to the right of
the central square. (See Pic H.) Join
four squares the same way and stitch
across top of side rows and the central
square. Ensure the vertical seams align.


Join the final four squares
and stitch to the bottom of
the side rows and central square.
(See Pic I.)


For Border 2, add 16½" border to
left and right of central square.
Join two 10½" strips at short end and
attach this long border to top of central
square. Join remaining two 10½" strips,
add to bottom of central square. Find
centre of each border piece. Pin. Align
with centre of last row. Pin each end
before pinning between. Pin from WS
of the previous row.


For Row 2, draw diagonal line across
white 4⅞" square. Place white square
RST on top of the soft pink square, then
pin. Stitch across the diagonal, ¼" away
from marked line on each side. Cut
along marked line, then press. Open out
triangles and press again. Repeat 11 more
times to make 24 squares.


Construct a column for LH side
of the central square. Take four
squares and join end-to-end with the
white triangle in the top left in the first,
third and fifth squares and the pink
triangle in the top left in the second
and fourth squares. (See Pic J.) Press
and stitch to the left of the central
square. Construct RH column in same
way and attach to the right of the
central square.


For the top of Row 2, sew seven
squares, from right to left, with the
top left pink triangle in squares 1, 3,
5 and 7 and top left white triangle in
squares 2, 4, and 6. Stitch to the top of
the central square.


Repeat Step 11 to make the bottom of
Row 2. Add below the central square.


For Border 3, join two 28½" strips for
LH border and two for the right. Join
two 30½" strips for the top border and two
for the bottom. Attach as in Border 2.


For Row 3, stitch three 10½"
rectangles together along the
long side in the following order: white/
Raspberry/white. Repeat three more times.


Stitch three 10½" rectangles together
along the long side in the following
order: white/Aqua/white. Repeat three
more times.


Join one short side of an Aqua
triangle to the left of the short side
of one smaller white triangle cut for this
row. Press SA to the darker side.


Join one short side of a Raspberry
triangle to the left of the short side of
one of the smaller white triangles cut for
this row. Press SA to the darker side.


Join the triangles made in steps 16
and 17 along the long sides to make a
square. (See Pic K.)


Repeat steps 16 to 18 seven
more times.


Join one short side of an Aqua
triangle to the left of a short side of
a pink triangle. Press SA towards the pink







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