Quilt Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
http://www.quiltnow.co.uk 63


central square. Join two more and add
to the right of the square as in Border

  1. Join two 32½" strips at the short end
    and add to the left of the central square.
    Join two more and add to the top and
    bottom of the square.


For Row 5, lay the Raspberry
triangle with the shortest side
at the bottom (See Pic Q). Take a pair
of white triangles and lay fl at. Flip one
to WS, both fabric sides need to look
the same. Place the longest side of LH
white triangle on top of the LH side of
the Raspberry one, then stitch. The right
angle of the white triangle points into
the pink triangle. Press SA out towards
the white.


Take a second white triangle and
place on top of the RH side of
the Raspberry one, then stitch. The right
angle of the white triangle will point
inwards towards the Raspberry triangle.
Press. (See Pic R.)


Repeat Step 36 to make 16 more
with the Raspberry print triangles,

17 with the soft pink print triangles, 17
with the Pale Aqua print triangles and 17
with the Mid Aqua print triangles.


For LH column, join 16 blocks end
to end from top to bottom as
shown in the Quilt Diagram, with arrows
pointing upards. Stitch to the left of the
central square.


For RH column, join 16 blocks
end to end from top to bottom as
shown in the Quilt Diagram, with arrows
pointing downwards. Stitch to right of
central square.


For the top row, join 18 blocks
left to right as shown in the Quilt
Diagram, with arrows pointing to the
right, except for the last block (H), which
points downwards.


For the bottom row, join 18 blocks
left to right as shown in the Quilt
Diagram, with the arrows pointing to
the left, except for the fi rst block, which
needs to point upwards. Stitch this
below the central square.


For Border 6, join two 35½" strips
at the short end and add to the

left of the central square. Join two more
and add to the right of the square as
in Border 2. Join two 38½" strips at the
short end and add to the left of the
central square. Join two more and add
to the top and bottom of the square.


Press the quilt top, sandwich and
quilt. This is quilted with diagonal
lines aligned with on-point squares in
Row 1.


Cut the binding fabric into 2½"-
wide strips at least 220" long
and bind.




Amanda is a designer and quiltmaker
who works from an artist’s studio in
Ushaw, an historic building in County
Durham. She teaches courses, designs
fabric and writes patterns for fabric
enthusiasts. Discover more about
Amanda at http://www.amandajanetextiles.com





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