Sarah Ashford
and adding such incredible texture to
the pieces. Some of the quilts and the
quilting were truly mind-blowing.
The Best in Show quilt Starring You by
Peter Byrne from the Toronto Modern
Quilt Guild was simply breathtaking.
With a palette of just black and white,
Peter used 90 pieces of turned-edge
appliqué, which he said “Allows for the
greatest freedom of composition.” It was
then densely quilted to add highlight
and defi nition using a heavyweight black
thread. It really was stunning, and luckily
Peter was posing for photographs at the
exact time I arrived, so here he is!
One of the special exhibits that I found
particularly fascinating was the Amish
Quilts of Lancaster County. These quilts
were made by women across time
and cultures and there is a distinctive
aesthetic to these quilts. The Sunshine
and Shadow quilt was made in c.1930
with striking concentric diamond shapes
within the square inner border and
hand-quilted with designs such as scallop
loops and fl oral vines. The Baskets quilt
Lancaster Amish Quilt Baskets pattern
c.1935 struck me as surprisingly modern
with the bold use of pink and the repeated
block pattern. This repeat pattern was less
common among the Lancaster County
Amish, and fewer than 10 of these basket
quilts are known. So this really is a very
special quilt and I felt lucky to be able to
see it up close.
I was thrilled to learn that Victoria Findlay
Wolfe was the featured artist this year.
I’ve long since admired her work, which
has also been exhibited at the Festival of
Quilts in 2018. What struck me most about
Victoria’s exhibition was how eclectic her
quilts were. Each one was diff erent, and
she uses such a wide range of techniques
and experimentation, it would be hard to
pinpoint her characteristic style. Here of
two of my favourites – Cascade, which
illustrates a cascading contrast of colour
(plus more curves!) and the Improv
Star Storm which as you can see has a real
wow factor, yet Victoria claims it’s easy to
make. The pattern is available to purchase,
so maybe one day I’ll give it a go.
Cascade by Victoria Findlay-Wolfe
Improv Star Storm by
Victoria Findlay-Wolfe
Sarah’s Back to Basics display
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