Quilt Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
86 http://www.quiltnow.co.uk

The blocks and

the borders are


so the quilt could

be used as a play

mat or throw


From yellow solid fabric, cut:
32 1¾" squares

From green solid fabric, cut:
24 1¾" squares

From red solid fabric, cut:
28 1¾" squares

From blue solid fabric, cut:
24 1¾" squares

From white solid fabric, cut:
32 1¾" squares

From pink solid fabric, cut:
28 1¾" squares

From yellow solid fabric, cut:
32 1¾" squares

From the pink print fabric, cut:
2 5x31½" rectangles for side borders
2 5x41" strips for the top and
bottom borders


◆ 42 5"-square prints (6 red,
4 yellow, 3 medium blue,
2 light blue, 4 green, 7 medium
pink, 3 light pink, 2 pink on
white, 2 blue on white, 2
yellow on white, 7 multicolour
on white backgrounds)
◆ F8th yellow solid fabric
◆ F8th green solid fabric
◆ F8th red solid fabric
◆ F8th blue solid fabric
◆ F8th white solid fabric
◆ F8th pink solid fabric
◆ ¾ yard printed pink fabric
for border
◆ 40x44" backing fabric
◆ 40x44" wadding
◆ ½ yard fabric for binding
◆ co-ordinating thread for
sewing & quilting

We used

Best Friends Forever by Moda.
Discover your nearest stockist
at http://www.winbournefabrics.co.uk

Things to remember

Use a ¼" seam allowance
throughout unless
otherwise stated
F8th – fat eighth
RS – right sides
WS – wrong sides



Begin by laying out the 42 5x5" fabric
pieces, in a six by 7 grid. Use the quilt
photo as a guide or arrange as you like.


Add smaller squares in solid colours
in sets of four, pinning on top of 5"
squares (see Pic A). Label each with a
number in centre. Use numbers 1-6 for
first row, 7-12 for second and so on. (See
Pic B.) Ensure 5" square is in correction
orientation (facing up, down, right or
left) before labelling. (See Pic C.)

The snowball blocks in this quilt are
made by a method that ensures quick
and accurate blocks. You will use slightly
more fabric this way than you would
using the conventional method.
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