Rainbow sound waves
The cushion is
finished with
wavy quilting,
a folded outer
edge and an
envelope back
◆ 1m pale grey for piecing, outer
border & envelope back
◆ 1½" x WOF strips in red,
orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo & violet
◆ 2" x WOF strip blue
◆ 21½"-square calico for backing
◆ 21½"-square wadding
◆ pale grey thread for quilting
◆ 18"-square cushion insert
Things to remember
Use a ¼" seam allowance
throughout unless
otherwise stated
WOF – width of fabric
From blue fabric, cut:
2 1x18½" strips
2 1x19½" strips
Stitch the 1½" grey and rainbow fabrics
together; short end to end in the
following combinations. (See Pic A.):
Row 1: Grey 6½" to red, to grey 6½"
Row 2: Grey 7½" to orange, to grey 5½"
Row 3: Grey 8½" to yellow, to grey 4½"
Row 4: Grey 9½" to green, to grey 3½"
Row 5 Grey 10½" to blue, to grey 2½"
Row 6: Grey 11½" to indigo, to grey 1½"
Row 7: Grey 10½" to violet, to grey 2½"
Row 8: Grey 9½" to red, to grey 3½"
Row 9: Grey 8½" to orange, to grey 4½"
Row 10: Grey 7½" to yellow, to grey 5½"
Row 11: Grey 6½" to green, to grey 6½"
Row 12: Grey 5½" to blue, to grey 7½"
Row 13: Grey 4½" to indigo, to grey 8½"
Row 14: Grey 3½" to violet, to grey 9½"
Row 15: Grey 2½" to red, to grey 10½"
Row 16: Grey 1½" to orange, to grey 11½"
Row 17: Grey 2½" to yellow, to grey 10½"
Row 18: Grey 3½" to green, to grey 9½"
Press seams towards the grey fabric
strips. (See Pic B.)
From grey fabric, cut:
6 1½" x WOF strips, sub-cut into
2 11½", 4 10½", 4 9½", 3 8½", 3 7½",
4 6½", 3 5½", 3 4½", 4 3½", 4 2½"
& 2 1½" strips
2 1½x19½" strips
2 1½x21½" strips
2 13x21½" rectangles
From red, orange, yellow & green
fabric, cut:
3 1½x6½" strips
From blue, indigo & violet fabric, cut:
2 1½x6½" strips
Keeping the fabric strips in the correct
order stitch the rows together. (See Pic
C.) Press seams one way. (See Pic D.)
Stitch a 1x18½" strip blue strip to each
side of the cushion. Press seams away
from the centre.
Stitch a 1x19½" blue strip to the top
and bottom of the cushion. Press
seams away from the centre. (See Pic E.)
Stitch a 1½x19½" grey strip to each side
of the cushion. Press seams away from
the centre.
Stitch a 1½x21½" grey strip to the
top and bottom of the cushion. Press
seams away from the centre.
Make a quilt sandwich using the calico,
wadding and cushion top.
Quilt wavy lines from side to side with
the grey thread through the fabric
wadding and backing at 1½" intervals
across the cushion top. (See Pic F.) Trim
away any excess backing and wadding in
line with the cushion top. Trim the corners.