Rib row 1: K2, (P2, K2) to end.
Rib row 2: P2, (K2, P2) to end.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more, inc one st at
c e nt re o f l a s t row.
55 (59:63:67:71:75:79) sts.
C h a n ge to 3. 2 5mm n e e d l e s.
B e g w it h a R S (k n it) row, work i n s t s t for
2 rows, ending after a WS row.
Work in patt from Chart.
Row 1: K3 (5:7:9:11:13:15), (work across
16-st patt rep) 3 times, work one st after
patt rep, K3 (5:7:9:11:13:15).
Row 2: P3 (5:7:9:11:13:15), work one st
b e fore p at t re p, (work a c ro s s 16 -s t p at t re p)
3 times, P3 (5:7:9:11:13:15).
These 2 rows set the Chart.
C ont i n p at t to e n d of Row 1 2.
Cont in plain st st.
Inc row: K3, M1, knit to last 3 sts, M1, K3.
Work 5 rows.
Rep last 6 rows 15 times more, and the inc
row again.
89 (93:97:101:105:109:113) sts.
Work s t ra i g ht u nt i l Sl e e ve m e a s 4 4 c m f rom
cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.
Cast off 5 (6:7:8:9:10:11) sts at beg of next
2 rows.
79 (81:83:85:87:89:91) sts.
Next row: K1, skpo, knit to last 3 sts, K2tog,
K1. 2 sts dec’d.
Next row: P u rl to e n d.
Next row: K n it to e n d.
Next row: P u rl to e n d.
Rep last 4 rows another 7 (8:9:10:11:12:13)
63 sts.
Next row: K1, skpo, knit to last 3 sts, K2tog,
K1. 61 sts.
Next row: P u rl to e n d.
Next row: K1, skpo, knit to last 6 sts,
wrap 1, turn. 60 sts.
Next row: P u rl to l a s t 5 s t s, w rap 1, t u r n.
Next row: K n it to l a s t 1 2 s t s, w r ap 1, t u r n.
Next row: P u rl to l a s t 1 1 s t s, w r ap 1, t u r n.
Next row: K n it to l a s t 18 s t s, w r ap 1, t u r n.
Next row: P u rl to l a s t 17 s t s, w r ap 1, t u r n.
Next row: K n it to l a s t 24 s t s, w rap 1, t u r n.
Next row: P u rl to l a s t 2 3 s t s, w r ap 1, t u r n.
Next row: K n it to l a s t 3 s t s, work i n g w r ap s
and wrapped st together, K2tog, K1.
59 sts.
Next row: P u rl a c ro s s a l l s t s, work i n g
wraps and wrapped sts together.
Leave these 59 sts on a spare needle.
Thread beads onto yarn as folls:
Round 29: 170 pearl.
Round 26: 204 gold.
Round 24: 17 pearl.
Round 23: (1 pearl, 1 gold, 1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 22: (1 pearl, 3 gold, 1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 21: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 1 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 20: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 19: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 18: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold)
17 times.
Round 17: (2 gold, 2 pearl, 1 gold) 17 times.
Round 16: (1 gold, 2 pearl) 17 times.
Round 15: 17 pearl.
Round 12: 17 pearl.
Round 11: (1 pearl, 1 gold, 1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 10: (1 pearl, 3 gold, 1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 9: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 1 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 8: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 7: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 6: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 5: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold,
1 pearl) 17 times.
Round 4: (1 pearl, 2 gold, 2 pearl, 2 gold)
17 times.
Round 3: (2 gold, 2 pearl, 1 gold) 17 times.
Round 2: (1 gold, 2 pearl) 17 times.
Round 1: 17 pearl.
With RS facing, using 3.25mm circular
needles, work across left sleeve, front,
right sleeve and back as folls:
Row 1: K2tog, K26, K2tog, K27, skpo
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(a l l a c ro s s s t s of l e f t sl e e ve), K 2 to g, K78,
skpo, (all across sts on front), K2tog, K26,
K 2 to g, K 2 7, sk p o (a l l a c ro s s s t s of r i g ht
sl e e ve), K 2 to g, K78, sk p o, (a l l a c ro s s s t s
on back).
272 sts.
Join to work in the round.
Round 1: (Patt across 16-st patt rep on
chart) 17 times.
This row sets the chart.
C ont i n p at t to e n d of Rou n d 1 2.
Round 13: K to end.
Round 14: (K2, skpo, K2tog, K4, skpo,
K2tog, K2) 17 times.
204 sts.
Round 15: (Patt across 12-st patt rep)
17 times.
This row sets the chart.
C ont i n p at t to e n d of Rou n d 26.
Round 27: (K2, skpo, K4, K2tog, K2)
17 times.
170 sts.
Round 28: K to end.
Round 29: Pat t to e n d.
Round 30: K to end.
Round 31: (K2, skpo, K2, K2tog, K2) 17
136 sts.
Change to 3mm circular needles.
Round 1: (K 2, P 2) to e n d.
Rep this round 5 times.
Cast off in rib.
Join raglan seams.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Wash beaded sweater by hand, following
any yarn care instructions on the ball
band. Do not dry clean. Turn sweater
inside out and place in a laundry bag or
pillowcase and spin in the washing
machine to remove excess water before
drying flat; this will protect the beads
from abrasion.
The Knitter 40 Issue 150 Subscribe now at http://www.gathered.how/theknitter
The yoke section is
worked in the round