The Knitter - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

C ont i n ga r te r s t itc h , d e c 1 s t at n e c k e d ge of
every RS row 24 (24:24:24:28:28:30:30:31:32)
times, then every foll 4th row another
1 (2:2:3:1:2:1:1:1:1) times.
AND AT THE SAME TIME, inc 1 st at
a r mh ol e e d ge of 2 8 t h (30th:30th:32nd:
32nd:34th:34th:34th:34th:36th) row after
the completion of armhole decreases, then
on fol l 2 8 t h (30th:30th:32nd:32nd:34th:
34th:34th:34th:36th) row.
24 (24:26:28:27:27:27:28:28:30) sts.

Once neck and armhole shaping have been
completed, work even in garter stitch until
work m e a s s a m e a s B a c k to b e g of sh ou l d e r
shaping, ending after a WS row.

Row 1 (WS): K17 (17:18:18:18:20:20:20:20:21),
Rows 2 and 4 (RS): K to end.
Row 3: K8 (8:9:8:8:10:10:9:9:10), w&t.
Row 5: K to end, working wraps together
with wrapped sts.
Break yarn and place rem 24 (24:26:28:27:27:
27:28:28:30) sts on a holder.

With RS facing, return to rem sts held for
Front and join yarn.

Size 14 only
K2tog and place this st on a separate holder.

All other sizes
K1 and place this st on separate holder.

All sizes
Joi n ya r n to re m 47 (48:50:53:54:55:56:57:
58:61) sts and K to end.
Cont as for left front neck and shoulder,
reversing all shapings.

(both alike)
Using 3mm needles, cast on
75 (77:83:83:85:89:93:97:101:107) sts.

Work in Rib Pattern for 10 (10:10:10:10:
12 :12:12:12:12) rows.

Change to 3.25mm needles.
Work even in garter stitch until sleeve meas
7 (7:7:7:7:8½:8½:8½:8½:8½) cm from
cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cont in garter stitch, cast off 3 (4:4:4:5:6:
7:8:9:9) sts at beg of next 2 rows.
69 (69:75:75:75:77:79:81:83:89) sts.

Next row (RS): K1, K2tog, K to last 3 sts,
K2tog, K1.
2 sts dec’d.

Dec 1 st at each end of every 4th row
another 4 (7:5:5:8:9:10:11:11:8) times, then
e ve r y fol l R S 17 (14:19:19:15:15:15:14:15:21)
25 (25:25:25:27:27:27:29:29:29) sts.

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows.
Cast off rem 17 (17:17:17:19:19:19:21:21:21)

Weave in ends. Steam block pieces gently
to measurements, following any yarn care
instructions on the ball band.
Join both shoulders using the three-needle
cast-off method.

Using 3mm needles and with RS facing,

K1 from front neck holder, pick up and knit
47 (48:50:53:52:54:56:57:58:60) sts up
right front neck (approx 4 sts every 5 rows),
6 sts down right back neck, 47 (49:49:52:55:
57 :59:59:61:63) sts across back neck cast-off,
6 sts up left back neck, 47 (48:50:52:52:54:
56:57:58:60) sts down left front neck, then
pi c k up a n d k n it 1 s t i nto b a c k of c e nt re s t.
Do not join. Turn work.
155 (159:163:171:173:179:185:187:191:197) sts.

S t a r t i n g w it h a WS row, work 7 row s i n
Rib Pattern.
Cast off in rib.

Weave in remaining ends.
Sew sleeve seams and side seams.
Set in sleeves.
O ve rl ap r i b at c e nt re of V-n e c k s o r i g ht
e d ge i s on top, a n d s t itc h i n pl a c e on WS.
Sew decorative button to overlapped

The upper body
and sleeves are
in garter stitch

St Ninian’s Isle

The Knitter 52 Issue 150 Subscribe now at

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