The Knitter - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
Loop stitches give
a fringed effect
to the cuffs

hand. 34 sts.
Work straight, keeping pattern correct,
until thumb meas 3 rnds shorter than
desired length.
Dec rnd 1: Cont in patt, K2tog; rep from
to e n d. 17 s t s.
Dec rnd 2: Cont in patt, K1, K2tog; rep
to end. 9 sts.
Cut yarn, draw end through rem sts and pull
t i g ht. We ave i n e n d s s e c u re ly on i n si d e.

Use yarn B to duplicate stitch any initials
or names in Chart B if preferred.

Weave in any rem ends neatly on WS of
work and block glove following any yarn
care instructions on the ball band.
Tip: Wh e n wa sh i n g, d r y p a r t i a l ly, t h e n a s
you finish drying, dry flat with the thumbs
weighted under something to help them
lie flat.

Work as for Right Glove to ** noting that
you are working back of hand at start of rnd
(if you are adding initials/name for Chart B
Rnds 5 to 11).
84 sts.

Work Rnds 1 to 2 of Chart D, repeating sts
six times around.
Next rnd: Work Rnd 3 of Chart D to end,
work R n d 1 of C h a r t E. 8 5 s t s.
Cont as set, working Charts D and E a
further 23 rnds to complete Chart E once.
107 sts.
Next rnd: Work i n p at t to l a s t 2 3 s t s, pl a c e
23 thumb sts on waste yarn. 84 sts.

Complete as for Right Glove Second Finger.

Next rnd: Working in Chart F patt
throughout, rejoin yarn and knit next 11 sts
from back of hand, cast on 6 sts (between
3rd and 4th fingers), knit last 10 sts from
palm of hand, pick up and knit 7 sts from
side of 2nd finger. 34 sts.
Complete as for Right Glove Third Finger.

Next rnd: Working in Chart F patt
throughout, rejoin yarn and knit next 10
s t s f rom b a c k of h a n d , k n it l a s t 10 s t s f rom
palm of hand, pick up and knit 12 sts from
side of third finger. 32 sts.
Complete as for Right Glove Fourth Finger.

Complete as for Right Glove.

Loop stitch: K1 with yarn B leaving st on
left-hand needle, bring one strand of each of
yarn A and yarn B to front of work, holding
left thumb in front of work wrap both strands
of yarn once around thumb and take both
strands to back of work and K1 into same st
with both strands allowing st to drop from
left-hand needle, then knit 3 new sts on
right-hand needle together through the back
loops with yarn B.
M1RP: Make 1 right purlwise. Bring the top of
the left-hand needle under the strand
between stitch from back to front. Purl
through the front of this loop.

For general abbreviations, see p89

Cont working only Chart D a further 15
rnds to complete Chart D three times in

Next rnd: Working in Chart F patt
throughout, knit first 11 sts of back of hand,
cast on 12 sts (between 1st and 2nd fingers),
knit last 11 sts of rnd from palm of hand,
leaving rem hand sts on hold. 34 sts.
Complete as for Right Glove First Finger.

Next rnd: Working in Chart F patt
throughout, rejoin yarn and knit next
10 s t s f rom b a c k of h a n d , c a s t on 7 s t s
(between 2nd and 3rd fingers), knit last
10 s t s f rom p a l m of h a n d , pi c k up a n d k n it
9 sts from side of first finger, leaving rem
hand sts on hold. 36 sts.

The Knitter 69 Issue 150

Sarah Hunter’s Gloves

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