The Knitter - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
Using 2.75mm needles and yarn A,
cast on 125 (137:147:159:169) sts.
Work in garter stitch for 3 rows, ending
with WS facing for next row.

Row 4 (WS): K6 (4:10:9:7), M1,
[K8 (8:7:7:7), M1] 14 (16:18:20:22) times,
K7 (5:11:10:8).
140 (154:166:180:192) sts.

C h a n ge to 3. 2 5mm n e e d l e s.
Beg on stitch 9 (2:8:1:7) and ending on
stitch 4 (11:5:12:6), using the Fair Isle
technique by stranding unused colours
loosely across back of work, repeating
the 12-st patt repeat 11 (11:13:15:15) ti mes
across each row and repeating the
72-row patt repeat throughout, cont
in patt from chart for body, which is
worke d e nt i re ly i n s t s t b e g w it h a K row,
as folls:
Work 18 row s, e n d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for
next row.
Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at each end
of next and 8 foll 18th rows.
122 (136:148:162:174) sts.

Cont straight until Back meas
67 (67½:68:68½:69) cm, ending with RS
facing for next row.

Keeping patt correct, cast off 5 (6:7:8:
9) s t s at b e g of n e x t 2 row s.
112 (124:134:146:156) sts.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 7 (7:9:9:11)
rows, then on foll 4 (7:6:8:7) alt rows,
t h e n on fol l 4t h row.
88 (94:102:110:118) sts.

Cont straight until armholes meas
21 (22½:24:25½:27) cm, ending with RS
facing for next row.

Next row (RS): Cast off 11 (13:14:16:18)
sts, patt until there are 15 (16:18:20:21)
sts on right needle and turn, leaving
rem sts on a holder.
Work each side of neck separately.
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row.
Cast off rem 12 (13:15:17:18) sts.

Wit h R S fa c i n g, sl ip c e nt re
36 (36:38:38:40) sts onto a holder
(for front band), rejoin yarns and
patt to end.

Complete to match first side, reversing

Using 2.75mm needles and yarn A,
c a s t on 6 8 (74:79:85:90) sts.
Work in garter stitch for 3 rows, ending
with WS facing for next row.

Row 4 (WS): K6 (5:3:7:6), M1,
[K8 (8:8:7:7), M1] 7 (8:9:10:11) ti mes,
K6 (5:4:8:7).
76 (83:89:96:102) sts.

Change to 3.25mm needles.
Beg on stitch 9 (2:8:1:7) and ending on
stitch 12, and repeating the 12-st patt
repeat 6 (6:7:8:8) times across each row,
c ont i n p at t f rom c h a r t for b o dy a s fol l s:
Work 18 row s, e n d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for
next row.
Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at beg of
next and 4 foll 18th rows.
71 (78:84:91:97) sts.
Work 11 rows, ending after chart row 30
and with RS facing for next row.

Do NOT break yarns.
Slip first (shaped side seam edge)
13 (15:17:19:21) sts onto one holder,
and last (front opening edge) 24 (29:33:
38 :42) sts onto another holder, leaving
34 sts on needle.

**Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A,
rejoin yarn to these 34 sts with RS facing
and cont as folls:
Next row (RS): K4, (K2tog, K6) 3 times,
K2tog, K4. 30 sts.
Next row: Knit (to form fold line).
Beg with a K row, work in st st for
5 4 row s, e n d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for
next row.
Next row (RS): P u rl (to for m fol d l i n e for
base of pocket bag).
Beg with a P row, work in st st for
52 row s, e n d i n g w it h WS fa c i n g for n e x t

FOR HIS contemporary twist on the
classic twinset concept, Kaffe Fassett
has designed this bright cardigan
and a matching vest which you can
find on the following pages. The long
cardigan has a swingy silhouette
and pockets. Both projects are
k n it te d i n my r i a d sh a d e s of Rowa n’s
Cotton Glacé, a smooth mercerised
cotton which offers a slight sheen
and incredible stitch definition.





8-10 12-14 16-18 20-22 24-26^

81-86 91-97 102-107 112-117 122-127 cm

32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 in


94 104½ 114 124½ 134 cm

37 41¼ 45 49 52¾ in


89 91 93 95 97 cm

35 35¾ 36½ 37½ 38¼ in


45 45 46 46 46 cm

17¾ 17¾ 18 18 18 in

The Knitter Issue 150

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