Science - USA (2019-02-15)

(Antfer) #1
I can’t access these funds until after
the conference, long after paying for
registration and flights. So, for the
past 3 months, I have been out a sig-
nificant chunk of cash. This is money
that I can’t really spare, as most of my
modest graduate stipend goes to day-
to-day necessities—including food,
housing, and utilities. I’ll submit
my reimbursement forms as soon as
possible once I get home. But I know
from experience that sometimes
payments are extremely delayed,
even after the forms are filed. All I
can do is hope the process will go
smoothly this time—and know that
I’ll have to advocate for myself and
micromanage every step if it doesn’t.
Still, I count myself luckier than
some. I can draw on savings I was
able to build up while I was in col-
lege. I attended a budget-conscious
institution in my home state, cob-
bled together scholarship funds to cover my tuition and
fees without help from my parents, lived in cheap apart-
ments, and worked multiple jobs so that I could save.
That means that these days, though sometimes I have to
get creative, I can generally make conference expenses
work. But I incur these expenses in a sometimes-scary bet
against the bank account I use to pay my rent and keep my
apartment warm.
Requiring students to ante up conference funds up front
without the hope of being reimbursed for months makes
academia less welcoming for scientists who are financially
disadvantaged. Yet universities and funding agencies seem
unwilling or unable to do much to change the system. Per-
haps changing the status quo requires too much work.
Maybe it’s not a priority because many students come
from privileged backgrounds that insulate them from the
issue. Students for whom this is a real problem may feel
ashamed to ask for help and be treated as an exception.

I’ve tried to work with adminis-
trators to find reasonable solutions,
but the results have been mixed
at best. Last summer, for example,
I had the opportunity to attend a
prestigious weeklong conference,
supported by a competitive grant.
But, as always, all funds were due up
front at registration. Assuming the
financial and psychological burden
of these expenses—thousands of
dollars—felt like more than I could
take on, especially after already put-
ting in substantial time and intellec-
tual effort to secure the grant.
After negotiating with adminis-
trators, I thought I came up with a
solution. The granting institution
set up an account with the hospital
that housed my lab so that I could
pay my expenses directly with the
funds I had been awarded. But when
I tried to register for the conference, I
hit an unexpected snag: All payments needed to be made by
credit card. I nearly cried. Embarrassingly, the balance due
exceeded my card’s limit. After some desperate emails, an
administrator agreed to extend the credit line on an existing
department card so that I could use it. But she made sure I
understood that this was not something they normally did
and that I shouldn’t make a habit of these types of requests.
As for my most recent conference expenses, I was re-
lieved to find out a few weeks ago that I’d receive a check
for my $500 travel grant on site at the conference. I prob-
ably won’t receive my reimbursement for the rest of the
conference expenses until April (assuming all goes well).
Until then, I’m gearing up to devote a significant amount
of mental energy to keeping a careful eye on my bank
account and credit cards. j

Jessica Sagers is a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard University.
Send your career story to [email protected].

“I incur these expenses in

a sometimes-scary bet

against [my] bank account.”

Waiting for reimbursement


t has been an exciting and productive conference. As a fifth-year Ph.D. student, I am less nervous
when I present my work than I used to be, and I finally feel I fit in as a scholar. But when my
abstract was accepted in the fall, I had to consider something completely unrelated to my science:
whether I could afford to go. Carefully, I did the math. Registration, fees, air travel, lodging, and
food would exceed $1000. My fellowship comes with $1200 that I can use for conference travel,
among other project-related expenses. On top of that, the conference granted my presentation a
$500 travel award. I should be able to cover the costs—eventually.

By Jessica Sagers



786 15 FEBRUARY 2019 • VOL 363 ISSUE 6428

Published by AAAS

on February 18, 2019^

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