Science - USA (2019-02-15)

(Antfer) #1



chemical experiments ( 9 ) and thus present
an excellent snapshot of how a substrate can
be bound in the active site just before cleav-
age occurs. It is possible, though, that other
substrates or native substrates without the
forced cysteine cross-link show somewhat
different structures.
A comparison of the substrate-bound
structures to the known structure of g-secre-
tase without substrate and to the structure
of the substrates without protease yields ex-

citing and partly unexpected insights into
the molecular steps that are likely to have
happened before the substrate arrived in the
active site. Imagine nine transmembrane he-
lices of PS that are linked by loops and form
a well-ordered, compact structure within
the membrane. Suddenly, they need to make
space to integrate the substrate TMD, which
requires substantial structural rearrange-
ments in both g-secretase and its substrate.
This is in line with the induced-fit model of
enzymology and may be one of the reasons
why g-secretase has slow enzymatic kinet-
ics ( 12 ). Specifically, to fit below the nicas-
trin lid, the substrate ducks its head, which
corresponds to a turn of the short amino-
terminal substrate extracellular domain to-
ward the membrane (see the figure). Then
TMD2 and TMD6 of PS are likely to open
up because they are an obvious lateral entry
point of the substrate TMD into g-secretase,
although other entry points also appear to
be possible ( 9 , 13 ). Subsequently the still
“ducked head” may allow the substrate to
pass below the loop connecting TMD2 with

TMD1 of PS. Next, the amino terminus of the
substrate TMD seems to tilt outward, which
brings the scissile peptide bond at the car-
boxyl terminus, that is, the «-cleavage site,
in close proximity to the two catalytic as-
partate residues in PS. This is accompanied
by the arguably most remarkable structural
change seen in both structures, namely the
partial unfolding of the substrate TMD helix
around the «-cleavage site and its formation
of a b-pleated sheet. This requires substan-

tial helix flexibility ( 14 ) and makes the scis-
sile peptide bond accessible to cleavage. At
present, the exact order of the above steps
is unknown, but mutational studies suggest
that formation of the b-pleated sheet is key
to correctly position the substrate TMD in
the active site ( 2 , 3 ).
The new insights into substrate binding
by g-secretase have major implications be-
yond understanding the molecular opera-
tion mode of g-secretase. Now, it is possible
to better understand the molecular basis of
dominantly inherited forms of AD, which
are caused by point mutations at more than
100 different amino acid residues in PS1 or
PS2 and partly around the g-secretase cleav-
age site in APP ( 15 ). Mapping of the muta-
tions onto the new structures suggests that
many of them directly affect the interaction
between APP and PS1, resulting in altered
cleavage efficiency and higher levels of the
pathogenic, AD-linked APP cleavage product
Ab42 ( 2 , 9 ). Final proof will come from future
cryo-EM structures of mutated APP or PS1.
Interestingly, g-secretase subunits other than

PS did not undergo major structural rear-
rangements upon substrate binding, suggest-
ing that this is the reason why AD-causing
inherited mutations have not been found in
those subunits.
Another important implication is rational
drug development of GSIs that preferentially
block g cleavage of APP over the cleavage of
other substrates. This could now become pos-
sible and may revive the use of g-secretase as
an AD drug target. Similarly, Notch-specific
GSIs may reduce side ef-
fects in cancer treatment.
Yet, the structures with
Notch and APP are more sim-
ilar than different, making
rational drug development
a longer-term goal. Poten-
tially, the exosites, where
Notch and APP initially bind
to g-secretase ( 9 ), are more
different from each other and
thus may offer additional op-
portunities for developing
substrate-specific GSIs.
A future challenge is to
understand how substrates
with substantially longer
amino termini than the in-
vestigated APP and Notch
fragments—such as B cell
maturation antigen ( 6 ), the
AD-relevant C99 fragment
of APP, or artificial Notch
cleavage constructs with
long ectodomains ( 8 )—bind
to g-secretase and pass be-
low the loop in PS. Another
major task is to solve the
structure of additional substrate-bound in-
tramembrane proteases, such as the rhom-
boids [which are distant PS homologs and
members of the signal peptide peptidase-
like (SPPL) family] and the site-2 proteases
(S2Ps). Together, these structures will un-
cover the mechanistic secrets of how targeted
proteolysis within the lipid bilayer controls
cell signaling in health and disease. j


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  6. S. A. Laurent et al., Nat. Commun. 6 , 7333 (2015).

  7. S. F. Lichtenthaler et al., EMBO J. 37 , e99456 (2018).

  8. D. M. Bolduc et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113 , E509

  9. A. Fukumori, H. Steiner, EMBO J. 35 , 1628 (2016).

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  11. X. C. Bai et al., Nature 525 , 212 (2015).

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  13. M. Hitzenberger et al., ACS Chem. Neurosci. 10.1021/
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PS APH-1 PEN-2 Nicastrin Substrate

1 A substrate’s long ectodomain
is cleaved by diferent proteases.

2 Substrate transfer from the exosites to the
active site requires the substrate to enter PS,
likely between transmembrane domains 2 and 6.

3 The substrate’s transmembrane helix tilts
and partially unfolds at its C terminus, where it
forms a b-pleated sheet, required for substrate
cleavage at the « site.


« site

The short remaining
ectodomain moves down.
The substrate’s N-terminal
stub moves below the loop.
b 1 b 2
15 FEBRUARY 2019 • VOL 363 ISSUE 6428 691
Substrate binding by g-secretase is a multistep process
The four g-secretase subunits PS, PEN-2, APH-1, and nicastrin form a horseshoe-like structure in the
membrane, with the nicastrin ectodomain forming a lid on top of the horseshoe structure. Insights from
Zhou et al. and Yang et al. clarify the mechanism of substrate binding by g-secretase.
Published by AAAS
on February 14, 2019^
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