
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


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Imagine a chocolate that provides more
than just a party in your mouth—it also
nourishes your body and feeds your
soul, inspired by centuries-old healing
traditions. And suppose that same
chocolate also off ered hope and a future
to disadvantaged children. Would you
be interested? Alak Vasa, creator of
Elements Truffl es, bets you will be.
Vasa was a successful trader on
Wall Street. Seeking to mitigate the
stresses of that life, she began the
practice of meditation, and gradually
became more mindful of her diet, her
spiritual growth, and her place in the
world. Eventually, she quit her job—with
no clear idea of what to do next. “I didn’t
have an exact plan in my mind. The only
thing consistent throughout the entire
journey was listening to my inner voice
and jumping into the unknown with
complete faith,” she says.
How Alak Vasa turned
a love of chocolate
into healthful, socially
responsible treats
/// By Neil Zevnik
Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and
volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at
The Passion
As a dessert—especially chocolate—
lover, Vasa started with what she knew.
Experiments in the kitchen led to a
table at her local farmers market. And
the response there encouraged her to
continue to build and expand—and her
dreams were rewarded. “When I fi rst
saw the complete product on a choco-
late wall in a store, I couldn’t believe
it,” she says. “I realized that when you
have the right intention, the universe
conspires to make it happen.”
Elements truffl es are more than just
cacao and honey. As Vasa grew in her
meditative practices, she rediscovered
the Ayurvedic principles that she had
grown up with and incorporated them
into her chocolates. Infusions of cin-
namon and clove, turmeric and ginger,
and moringa and ashwagandha off er
benefi ts both physical and spiritual.
For Vasa, the culture of the company
is as important as the product itself. “At
Elements, we take no shortcuts. We use
only the purest ingredients from Fair
Trade manufacturers who fi ercely align
with our philosophy and values.”
the Passion
behind the Product
Equally important are the people who
surround her and whose lives she touches.
“I love to meet amazing kind-hearted
people on this journey,” she says. “I love
having an amazing team of people to
work with and share my vision with and
grow together to get there.”
The mission also involves a big
helping of giving back. A generous
portion of the company’s profi ts goes
to supporting the education of under-
privileged children in tribal, rural, and
slum areas of India, through the Care
For Children Program of the Art of
Living Foundation. “People always
come fi rst,” says Vasa. “Because we
believe that only happy and grateful
people can make happy chocolates.”
web exclusive recipe!
Visit for a
delicious Grilled Chicken Cutlets with
Chile-Chocolate Sauce recipe made
with Elements Truffles.
Hours of meditation and a passion for chocolate
led Alak Vasa (left) to ditch Wall Street and
create Elements Truffles.
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