
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

(^44) • MAY 2019
8 Foods to Fight High
Blood Pressure
Tasty ways to combat hypertension and reduce your
risk of heart attack and stroke /// BY LISA TURNER
Nearly half of U.S. adults have high blood
pressure, according to 2018 data from
the American Heart Association, and
the number of deaths from high blood
pressure increased by almost 38 percent.
The good news: in many cases, it can
be controlled by dietary changes alone.
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension) diet—which avoids salt,
alcohol, and caffeine, and emphasizes
vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, legumes,
nuts, seeds, and whole grains—has been
shown to reduce blood pressure in just
two weeks. Some foods are especially
beneficial, so load your plate with these
eight and protect yourself from heart
attack and stroke.

™Beet greens
are rich in
and potassium,
a mineral that balances the effects
of sodium in the body. A number of
studies link dietary potassium with
reduced blood pressure, and several
meta-analyses show that high potassium
intake drops the risk of stroke by about
25 percent. Other high-potassium
foods include potatoes, sweet potatoes,
mushrooms, spinach, lima beans,
zucchini, and tomatoes.
Recipe Tips: Chop beet greens and sauté
with leeks, garlic, black olives, and red
pepper flakes; toss whole beet greens
with diced sweet potatoes, white potatoes,
and olive oil, and roast until tender; mix
beet greens with steamed green beans,
tomatoes, and feta cheese, and drizzle
with a garlicky lemon dressing.
are high in polyphenols,
antioxidants with a
beneficial effect on
blood pressure and
cardiovascular disease. In one study,
people who drank a cup or more of
pomegranate juice daily showed a
decrease in both systolic (the maximum
pressure your heart exerts while
beating) and diastolic (the amount
of pressure in your arteries between
beats) numbers.
Recipe Tips:Toss pomegranate seeds
with shaved Brussels sprouts, chopped
pecans, and a lemon-olive oil dressing;
make salsa with pomegranate seeds,
chopped grapefruit segments, red onion,
serrano peppers, and lime juice; toss grilled
shrimp with pomegranate seeds, shaved
carrots, and arugula.
›Flax is high in
omega-3 fats, lignans,
and fiber, all of which
help protect against
high blood pressure.
In one study, people with hypertension
who ate flax for six months showed a
reduction in both systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. Whole flax seeds have
a more powerful effect than flax oil.
Other seeds, such as pumpkin and
sunflower seeds, are also high in
potassium and magnesium, and may
have similar effects on blood pressure
and overall cardiovascular health.
Recipe Tips:Grind flax, sesame, sunflower,
and pumpkin seeds, and use as a healthy
breading for grilled chicken or fish; add
ground flax, yogurt, and pistachios to
waffle mix; stir flax seeds into almond
butter for a crunchy sandwich spread.
are rich in healthy
fats, plus magnesium,
potassium, and other
compounds that reduce blood pressure.
In one study, people with high LDL
cholesterol who ate one serving a day
of pistachios had lower systolic blood
pressure. Additional studies have
suggested that other nuts may also
have beneficial effects on blood
pressure and blood vessel function.
Recipe Tips:Toss baby spinach leaves with
toasted pistachios, dried cherries, grapefruit
segments, and low-fat goat cheese; make
pesto from pistachios, basil, spinach, olive
oil, and garlic; purée low-fat yogurt, honey,
cardamom, saffron, and pistachios, and
freeze in an ice cream maker for healthy ice
cream with a Middle Eastern flair.
Beets are high in
polyphenols and nitric
oxide, a compound that
reduces inflammation
and promotes vasodilation
(widening of arteries) to reduce blood
pressure. In one study, people who drank
beet juice mixed with apple juice showed
a reduction in systolic blood pressure
only six hours later; other studies have
shown similar results. Leafy greens and
garlic also help increase nitric oxide in
the body, reduce blood pressure, and
protect against hypertension.
Recipe Tips:Thinly slice beets, toss with
olive oil and minced rosemary, and roast
until crispy; mix beet, carrot, and apple
juice for a healing morning beverage;
purée cooked beets with tahini (sesame
seed paste), olive oil, lemon juice, garlic,
and cumin, and top with black sesame
seeds for a vibrant hummus.

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