o something amazing for people
af fec ted by breast c a ncer by
hav ing a n A f ter noon Tea in July.
You can have your tea on any day
that suits you and Breast Cancer Care’s friendly
f und raising tea m w ill be on ha nd to help. Simply
set a date, get baking and have a lovely catch up.
Get together for an Afternoon Tea
Breast C ancer C are is a working name of Breast C ancer C are and Breast C ancer N ow, a
charity registered in England and Wales (1160558) and Scotland (SC045584).
July 2019
Kathy from Rugby is holding her fifth
Afternoon Tea this summer:
‘Breast Cancer Care were there for me
af ter my diagnosis. They supported me
though their online Forum,
part icularly in the middle of the night,
it was so nice to feel that you’ve got
somebody there for you. If you’ve had
breast cancer, having an Af ternoon
Tea is something positive and it brings
people together, so it really means a lot.’
Breast Ca ncer Ca re a nd Breast Ca ncer Now
have come together to carry out more world-
class research, provide more life-changing
support and campaign even more effectively
for better services and care. So whatever you
raise at your A f ter noon Tea w ill help prov ide
support for today and hope for the future.
Be pa r t of somet hing excit ing t his July.
Summer is the per fect time to gather family and friends and
spend quality time together with a lovely Afternoon Tea.
Your Afternoon Tea fundraising kit is waiting for you!
Order yours at breastcancercare.org.uk/bake or call 0300 100 4442
Kathy greeting her (^) guests
Kathy’s^ Afternoon^ Tea