
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Le Cordon Bleu London is
an institution with a
histor ic a l her itage like no
other; since the first school
opened in Paris in 1895, it
has become the world’s
leader in culina r y a r ts,
wine and hospitality
education. The
programmes and courses
provided are taught by
some of t he best in t he
business, helping students
acquire the skills and
knowledge required to
produce high-end results.
The institute has created a new Diploma
in Plant-Based Culinary Arts to teach
st udents ba k ing techniques using nat ura l
ingredients as well as creative and tasty
recipes using the entire plant.
The programme will begin in January
2020 and will take 3 months to complete,
with students gaining an in-depth product
knowledge and the culinary competencies,

techniques and skills required. If you want
to uncover a new, simple but effective
cooking method, Le Cordon Bleu’s Cooking
Sous-vide Course is ideal for executing
gourmet-style cooking, adaptable to all
meats and vegetables, delivering consistent
results every time! Find out more about
Le Cordon Bleu’s upcoming courses at

Le Cordon Bleu’s New

Plant-Based Programme,

Creating Beautifully

Delicious Recipes

Date for the diary...



Why not get together with friends
and family this July and hold your
own Afternoon Tea? Have fun
trying out some new recipes and
do something amazing for people
af fec ted by breast c a ncer. Wit h
your help, Breast Cancer Care can
provide support for today and
hope for the future. Order your
free Afternoon Tea fundraising kit

at http://www.breastcancercare.org.uk/
ba ke or c a ll 0300 100 4 4 42.Be
part of something exciting this
July. Get together for an Afternoon
Tea a nd help people af fec ted by
breast c a ncer. Your f ree A f ter noon
Tea fundraising kit is waiting for
you! For more infor mat ion or to
order your kit, visit http://www.

Save £10 on Beautiful

Buttercream Flower

Classes with the Sugarcraft

Contessa this season!

Discover your inner buttercream goddess
and enjoy a fantastic saving when you enter
voucher code CLUB-EXCLUSIVE-10 at
http://www.thesugarcraftcontessa.co.uk when
booking your class.
From gorgeous veg g ie ga rdens to st unning
summer sensations, there’s so much to
choose f rom at The Suga rcraf t C ontessa r ight
now. “We started with a glass of fizz, stopped
for a cream tea and finished with a beautiful
bouquet!” says Anna, first time baker.
“Highly recommended.”
Visit http://www.thesugarcraftcontessa.co.uk to
check out the upcoming classes and treat
yourself to a c a ke decorat ing ex per ience like
no other.

Get together for

an Afternoon Tea!

Free download pdf