freak out
Hitmaker Nile Rodgers will
curate this summer’s Meltdown
Festival in London. The Chic
mastermind is set to unveil
nine days of live music,
hand-picked by the man
himself at London’s Royal
Festival Hall between 3-
August. Describing the gig
as “a dream come true,” he
explained, “Anyone who
knows my career realises
that funk, disco, jazz, soul,
classical, pop, new wave,
R&B, fusion, punk rock,
Afrobeat, electronic and
dance music all play a role
and you can expect that to be
refl ected in the performances
we are planning. It’s all about
the groove.”
Rodgers follows in the
footsteps of previous curators
Morrissey, David Bowie, Jarvis
Cocker and The Cure’s Robert
Smith for an event which has
seen some incredible moments
over the years including Jeff
Buckley’s fi nal UK show in
1995 and Bowie performing
his album Low in its entirety.
Rodgers is also plotting a
new Chic album for 2019,
a project with Andrew Lloyd
Webber, as well as numerous
live dates including two at
Hampton Court Festival
in London.
David Bowie’s 50th anniversary celebrations of Space
Oddity continue with another 7" boxset of previously
unheard recordings. Due on 17 May, The
Clareville Grove Demos features six tracks
recorded in January 1969 at Bowie’s fl at
in Clareville Grove, London. The demos
were made with his friend John ‘Hutch’
Hutchinson following the end of their
stint as the trio, Feathers. As with the
recent Spying Through A Keyhole
boxset, the design of each single
label is presented to refl ect the
way Bowie sent many of his demos
to publishers and record companies, featuring his own
handwritten song titles on EMIDISC acetate labels.
The cover features Bowie in a shot from the 1969
movie, The Virgin Soldiers.
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