The Washington Post - USA (2020-07-28)

(Antfer) #1


“Until 2015, we thought that
plague was maybe a 3,000-year-
old disease.”
Scientists and archaeologists
now believe, however, that the
plague bacteria, which caused
the medieval Black Death that
killed up to half of Europe’s
population, infected humans
roughly 5,000 years ago in the
Stone Age. The bacteria, after it
had entered the bloodstream and
likely killed the host, circulated
into the pulp chamber of teeth,
which kept its DNA insulated
from millennia of environmental
wear and tear. In the past decade,
scientists have been able to ex-
tract and analyze that DNA.

Stone Age plague
The Stone Age plague was,
however, an ancestor with a
slightly different genetic identity.
Tracking how those differences
evolve helps infectious-disease
biologists better understand
what causes disease and how to
prepare for current outbreaks.
The plague bacteria in the Stone
Age, for example, lacked the
genes necessary to jump from
fleas to humans, which likely
spread the Black Death widely.
Without the flea gene, the dis-
ease probably used another ani-
mal transmitter that came into
contact with humans. I n 2018, a
University of Copenhagen team
published the first evidence,
based on early data three years
before, that the ancient plague
bacteria, found in a Swedish

EPIDEMICS FROM E1 settlement, had the power to kill
and may have threatened life in
the age’s “mega-settlements” that
could spread diseases quickly.
“It probably was the first pan-
demic,” said Simon Rasmussen, a
genomicist at the university and
lead researcher on the plague
study. In the Stone Age, also
called the Neolithic period, hu-
mans made unprecedented
moves to gather in large settle-
ments with up to 10,000 people in
close quarters with animals and
virtually no sanitation. “It’s the
textbook place of where you could
have a new pathogen,” he said.
Paleogenomics has also al-
lowed archaeologists to fill in one
of the biggest silences in the
archaeological record: disease.
Pathogens rarely leave traces on
bones, and populations without
writing could die out without any
readable record of the cause.
With the ability to read traces of
DNA preserved in teeth, histori-
ans are learning about the organ-
isms inside ancient humans.
Kristian Kristiansen, a Univer-
sity of Copenhagen archaeologist
and a co-author of the plague
study, believes his group’s re-
search illuminates the causes of a
Stone Age demographic transfor-
mation, called the Neolithic de-
cline, which archaeologists have
long studied.
Settlements at the time were
disappearing faster than they
were appearing, and within a few
hundred years, most of the popu-
lation had been replaced by mi-
grants from the Eurasian Steppe.
Researchers had only ever hy-

pothesized that disease may have
played a role in crippling the
native population before it was
overtaken, but now they have
evidence, Kristiansen says.

Changing history
“The steppe migrations would
not have succeeded without the
plague... and [those living in
what is now Europe] would not
all have spoken Indo-European
languages,” Kristiansen said.
“Later prehistory has been
turned upside down to say the
In 2018, a paleogenomics team
analyzed ancient teeth from Neo-
lithic sites in present-day Ger-
many and discovered the hepati-
tis B virus stretched back at least
7,000 years. Another study the

same year extended our knowl-
edge of the history of parvovirus
B19 from a few hundred years to
6,900 years. Parvovirus B19
causes a mild rash in humans
and leads to outbreaks in the
United States every few years
In February, researchers at the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology published evidence that
types of Salmonella bacteria,
which sicken about a million
people in the United States every
year, were afflicting humans
6,500 years ago. Microbiologist
Felix Key identified Salmonella
DNA in teeth recovered from
burial sites near the Volga River
in present-day Russia, where ar-
chaeological evidence has shown
that humans began to abandon
foraging for pastoral living. The

Salmonella DNA in their teeth is
the first evidence, Key says, that
the adoption of this lifestyle in
close contact with animals may
have introduced pathogens to
“This ancient DNA could give
us the means to prove or dis-
prove the hypothesis that the
Neolithic revolution was the ma-
jor event for introducing diseas-
es into humans,” said Key, who is
now at the Max Planck Institute
for the Science of Human His-
tory. “My hunch is that it did
facilitate the disease, because
humans and animals were co-
Like many paleogenomicists,
Key uses dentist tools and dons
what looks like a hazmat suit that
blocks possible DNA contamina-
tion from teeth recovered from
settlements thousands of years
older than the Roman Empire.

DNA extraction methods
New methods of extracting
DNA that were developed for
medical purposes have made pa-
leogenomics possible in the past
decade. After using dentist tools
to recover and pulverize material
locked inside a tooth, molecular
biologists use a technique called
“shotgun sequencing” to extract
all genetic material without
needing to know what to look for.
Decrypting the data then re-
quires that bioinformatic special-
ists can match the genetic identi-
ties to known pathogens. As the
disease database grows, it be-
comes easier to identify signals
from noise. Archaeologists then

have the task of putting human
disease into historical context.
The process is expensive, and
it’s dominated by labs in Europe
with equipment and funding.
Conducting a complete survey of
teeth can cost upward of $1
million. That depends, still, on a
team’s good fortune in finding
enough ancient teeth that have
experienced the right conditions
over millennia to preserve patho-
gen DNA. In the study of the
Salmonella bacteria, Key’s team
analyzed 3,000 samples and
found just eight with preserved
Salmonella bacteria.
Rasmussen, of the C openha-
gen plague study, said that, while
he is fairly certain his team’s
evidence describes the oldest hu-
man pandemic, more DNA sam-
ples must be found and analyzed.
The DNA used in his study come
from just one small settlement in
the area of modern-day Sweden.
To prove a pandemic, Rasmussen
said, scientists will need to find
DNA evidence in some larger
sites — in other parts of Europe.
Even so, Stone said, paleo -
genomics has shown that hu-
mans have been in “an arms race
with pathogens” for thousands of
“Periodically, pathogens jump
into humans,” she said, “and it’s
really easy to become compla-
cent when you don’t happen to
have a pathogen affecting large
segments of your population at
the moment. But you let those
resources go at your peril, which
we’re seeing right now.”
[email protected]

E vidence in teeth suggests early plagues forced epoch-defining changes

A close-up view of a jawbone. Paleogenomics, a nascent field that
studies DNA in ancient teeth, has amounted to a “revolution” in
understanding disease history, a microbiologist says.



n March 1942, 33-year-old
Anne Miller lay delirious in
New Haven Hospital, death-
ly ill from septicemia that
she developed following a
miscarriage a month before. Dur-
ing her stay at the Connecticut
hospital, doctors tried every cure
imaginable — from sulfa drugs to
blood transfusions — as her tem-
perature at times spiked past 106
“She was just incurable,” Eric
Lax, author of “The Mold in Dr.
Florey’s Coat,” said in a phone
interview. “It was like somebody
today with covid-19 who is going
down the tubes.”
Desperate, her doctors ac-
quired a tablespoon of an experi-
mental drug and gave her an
injection. Overnight, her temper-
ature dropped. A day later, she
was up and eating again.
The miracle drug that saved
her life? A virtually unknown
substance called penicillin.
As researchers around the
world chase a vaccine and treat-
ments for the novel coronavirus,
the quest echoes the race to
mass-produce penicillin in the
United States and Britain during
World War II.
In the days before antibiotics,
something as simple as a scratch
or even a blister could get infect-
ed and lead to death. Before the
beginning of the 20th century,
the average life expectancy was
47 years, even in the industrial-
ized world, according to the Na-
tional Institutes of Health. Infec-
tious diseases such as smallpox,
cholera, diphtheria and pneumo-
nia cut life short. No treatment
existed for them.
Scottish biologist Alexander
Fleming had discovered the peni-
cillin mold in London in 1928.
Fleming attempted to extract the
mold’s active substance that
fought bacteria but was unsuc-
cessful, and he gave up experi-
mentation, according to Lax’s
As war broke out in Europe in
1939, Australian doctor Howard
Florey obtained funding from the
Rockefeller Foundation in New
York to study Fleming’s discovery
further at the University of Ox-
ford. Along with brash German
emigre Ernst Chain, and meticu-
lous assistant Norman Heatley,
he worked to generate penicillin’s
active ingredient.
But in the course of their
research, Florey confronted an
obstacle: Extracting the active
ingredient from the mold was
terribly difficult. Time after time,
the delicate mold would dissolve
in the process of extraction, leav-
ing scientists frustrated.
The tablespoon of penicillin
that cured Anne Miller represent-
ed half the entire amount of the
antibiotic available in the United
States in 1942. To give her a full
treatment, doctors had to collect
her urine, extract the remaining
penicillin from it at about 70
percent potency, and re-inject it,
according to Lax’s book.
Through trial and error, the
team had discovered that penicil-
lin was much more effective and

safer in fighting bacteria in ani-
mals than sulfa drugs, which
were the treatment for infections
at the time. Discovered by Ger-
man scientists in the 1930s, sulfa
drugs had severe side effects, and
researchers were motivated to
find an alternative.
As they tried to cultivate peni-
cillin, they began a few human
tests. In late summer 1940, Albert
Alexander, a 43-year-old Oxford
police officer, scratched his face
while working in his rose garden.
The scratch became infected by
streptococci and staphylococci
and spread to his eyes and scalp,
according to “The Mold in Dr.
Florey’s Coat.” A few weeks later,
he was admitted to an Oxford
University hospital and given
doses of a sulfa drug for a week.
Not only did the drug not cure
him but it gave him a terrible
Lax writes that Alexander was
in “great pain” and “desperately
and pathetically ill” for months as
he lay in the hospital with no cure
available. The abscesses on his
face and arms were “oozing pus
everywhere,” Heatley wrote in his
diary, Lax notes, and Alexander’s
left eye became so infected that in
February 1941 it had to be re-
The bacteria continued eating
at him and soon spread to his
lungs and shoulders. Desperate,
doctors gave him 200 milligrams
of penicillin, the largest individu-
al dose ever given at the time, and
then three doses of 100 mg every
three hours, according to Lax.
Within 24 hours, there was a
“dramatic improvement,” Heat-
ley wrote.
Alexander’s fever went back to
normal and his appetite re-
turned. As with Anne Miller, re-
searchers collected his urine to
extract penicillin to re-adminis-
By the end of February, Alexan-
der’s treatment had used up the
nation’s entire supply of penicil-
lin, according to Lax. After 10
days of stability, his condition
deteriorated without any more of
the drug. A second course would
have helped him to fully heal, but
there was no more to give him.
“Florey and the others watched
helplessly as a flood of septicemia
swept through him. On March 15,
he died,” Lax writes.
Heartbroken, Florey, Chain
and Heatley continued to hunt
for methods to produce more
penicillin. Meanwhile, the Battle
of Britain raged around them.
From summer 1940 into the next
year, thousands of civilians were
killed each month in bombings
on all the major cities of Britain.
In fall 1940, 50 million pounds of
bombs were dropped on London
alone, Lax writes.
Working under tremendous
pressure with limited supplies,
the Oxford team also realized
penicillin’s urgent value in treat-
ing wounded soldiers and civil-
“They knew that of the 10
million soldiers killed in World
War I, about half died not from
bombs or shrapnel or bullets or
gas but rather from untreatable
infections from often relatively

ration of war on the United States
by Germany and Italy changed
not only the course of the war but
also the course of the develop-
ment of penicillin, Lax writes.
With millions of American lives
now at stake, penicillin was no
longer just a scientific fascination
to U.S. pharmaceutical compa-
nies — it was a medical necessity.
Ten days after the Pearl Harbor
attack, pharmaceutical compa-
nies began escalating penicillin
production for the war effort,
some experimenting with a proc-
ess called deep-tank fermenta-
tion to extract the drug from the
mold. Instead of using bedpans
and tins to grow the mold and
culling penicillin off the top, as
Heatley was forced to do in Ox-
ford, they tried submerging the
mold in deep tanks and ferment-
ing it to generate larger quanti-
ties of the drug. It was a major
As war escalated throughout
1942, researcher Andrew Moyer
led the USDA Peoria lab in find-
ing the most potent penicillin
mold that would hold up during
fermentation extraction. Each
day, he sent assistant Mary Hunt
to local markets for decaying fruit
or anything with fungal growth
to find more-productive strains
of the penicillin mold, Lax writes.
Earning the nickname “Moldy
Mary,” she once found a canta-
loupe “with a mold so powerful
that in time it became the ances-
tor of most of the penicillin
produced in the world,” accord-
ing to the American Chemical
Throughout 1943, penicillin
production became the War De-
partment’s No. 2 priority after the
Manhattan Project’s drive to
build a nuclear bomb.
In July 1943, the War Produc-
tion Board made plans for wide-
spread distribution of penicillin
stocks to Allied troops fighting in
Europe. Then scientists worked
round-the-clock to prepare for an
ultimate goal: having enough to
support the D-Day invasion.
On June 6, 1944, 73,000 U.S.
troops landed on the beaches of
Normandy, boosted by millions of
doses of the miracle drug.
Almost three years to the day
that Florey and Heatley arrived in
New York, American production
of penicillin had risen from 0 to
100 billion units per month using
deep-tank fermentation —
enough to treat every Allied casu-
alty, Lax writes.
Anne Miller went on to live a
long and productive life in Con-
necticut, dying in 1999 at age 90.
The hospital chart that tracked
her recovery in that long-ago
penicillin experiment is now
housed at the Smithsonian Insti-
Florey never did receive his
kilo of penicillin. He waited for
more than a year for the United
States to deliver on its original
deal. But with America now wag-
ing war on two continents, it
wanted every drop of the drug it
could produce.
[email protected]

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In WWII, miracle drug transformed fight against infection

Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming had discovered the penicillin mold in London in 1928.

minor wounds and injuries,” Lax
As Europe sank deeper into
war, labs around the world got
word of the Oxford lab’s penicillin
research and began requesting
samples. Florey and his team
were careful not to send any to
German scientists, who could
have easily developed them to
support the Nazi war effort, ac-
cording to Lax.
The Oxford team was so fearful
of the drug falling into Nazi
hands that as the Blitz bombings
shattered England, the team
rubbed their coats with the mold,
knowing the spores would live for
a long time on fabric, Lax said in a
phone interview. That way, if any
researchers were captured or had
to travel in a hurry, they had it
with them and could extract and
regrow it.
British pharmaceutical com-
panies were interested in mass-
producing penicillin, but they
were overburdened by wartime
demand for other drugs. Florey
and Heatley began looking over-

seas for help, turning once again
to the Rockefeller Foundation in
New York. Florey realized that
the United States, which had not
entered the war yet, had many
more pharmaceutical firms than
Britain with much more capacity
to produce penicillin on a large
Florey struck a deal with his
Rockefeller contacts: He and
Heatley would show Americans
how to produce penicillin molds.
In return, Americans would give
Florey a kilo of the drug. This
would provide the Oxford re-
searchers with enough penicillin
to complete human trials for
suffering patients like Alexander.
The foundation agreed.
In a hazardous trip out of
war-torn Europe, Florey and
Heatley arrived in New York on
July 2, 1941.
Through Rockefeller contacts,
Florey had access to major play-
ers in the U.S. government to
back his project — including the
War Production Board and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.

A week after arriving in New
Haven, Heatley and Florey trav-
eled to the USDA’s Northern Re-
gional Research Laboratory in
Peoria, Ill., a farming community
about 160 miles southwest of
Robert Coghill, the head of the
fermentation division, agreed to
help the Oxford cause if Heatley
would stay on in Peoria to get the
penicillin mold culture started.
Leaving Heatley in Peoria, Florey
visited U.S. drug companies in
the hope of persuading one or
more of them to brew the culture
fluid and extract the mold to yield
enough for his experiments, ac-
cording to “The Mold on Dr.
Florey’s Coat.”
By the fall, Florey had persuad-
ed Charles Pfizer & Co., Eli Lilly &
Co., Merck and other drug firms
to work on the project, and he
returned to Oxford to wait for his
kilo of penicillin.
But then war struck the United
States: The Japanese attacked
U.S. Navy ships anchored in Pearl
Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. The decla-

Researcher Andrew Moyer led the USDA Peoria lab in research on the mold. Australian doctor
Howard Florey got funding to study Fleming’s discovery during the war. He traveled to the United
States and struck deals with drug firms and the U.S. government in developing a penicillin treatment.
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