The Washington Post - USA (2020-07-27)

(Antfer) #1

A1 6 EZ RE the washington post.monday, july 27 , 2020

tion of anonymity out of fear for
his safety. “If they see you out
[after c urfew], they’ll attack.”
The Duque administration has
said little publicly on the armed
groups’ lockdowns. The Presiden-
tial office for Human rights and
International Affairs said this
month that the government was
moving to counter an attempt by
irregular groups “to gain more
Emilio Archila, Duque’s special
adviser on the peace accords, in-
sisted the attempts by armed
groups to expand control would
not derail the peace process. He
denied that the government had
pulled b ack from communities.
“There i s no area of t he c ountry
in which the position of the gov-
ernment is just to leave the crimi-
nals to go ahead,” he said. “ That is
definitely not the case.”
A group that calls itself the Uni-
fied Guerrillas of the Pacific says a
harsh curfew i s necessary because
the region has been “forgotten by
the Colombian state.” In a
p amphlet that circulated in a
small community outside Tuma-
co, the group listed rules includ-
ing a prohibition o n boats arriving
from elsewhere, a stay-at-home
order for all but g rocery shopping,
and a ban on any social or recre-
ational activity.
Anyone seen on the streets after
2:3 0 p.m. “will face the conse-
quences,” the group warned. “We
are not playing.”
Armed groups have frequently
changed curfew times with little
notice, and the sheer number of
different groups controlling abut-
ting territories and issuing differ-
ent r ules h as left r esidents danger-
ously confused. Paredes, for in-
stance, thought the curfew in the
zone of Tumaco in which she was
traveling that may evening was
6 p.m. She didn’t know the group
had m oved it up to 4 p.m.
Either way, she was late. She’s
now recovering in a nearby city
with the help of her family. She is
struggling to walk again. Her
friend faces multiple surgeries to
recover vision in one eye and re-
construct his nose, broken by a
The Colombian government,
she said, has completely lost con-
trol in Tumaco.
“I'm terrified just thinking
about t he idea of having t o return,”
she said. “A nd when I have to
return, I’ll have to do it on the
same road.”
[email protected]

faiola reported from Miami.

Vermehlo in rio and mS-13 in El
Salvador, among others, have im-
posed their own curfews and, in
some instances, distributed food,
masks and disinfectant in areas
they control.
But the C olombian groups have
distinguished themselves in the
level of violence they’re applying
to enforcement. observers fear
they’re accelerating an already
dangerous drift away from the
2016 peace accord that ended the
52-year conflict between the gov-
ernment and the revolutionary
Armed forces of Colombia, or the
Critics blame Duque, who op-
posed the peace accord before he
became president in 2018, for the
slow pace of promised land reform
and f altering e fforts to reintegrate
former fArC fighters into society.
They say his conservative admin-
istration has not done enough to
stop the killings of leftist commu-
nity leaders a nd e x-rebels.
Now, fArC dissidents — guer-
rillas who have taken up arms
again, or never put them down —
are among the groups solidifying
their hold on hot spots that never
completely cooled. Human rights
Watch this month reported that
armed groups had imposed coro-
navirus lockdowns in 11 of Colom-
bia’s 32 states, leading to at least
eight deaths and 10 injuries since
the o utbreak b egan.
“I think they are seriously con-
cerned about their own ranks,”
said Juan Pappier, Human rights
Watch’s Colombia researcher.
“They know the towns they’re op-
erating in don’t have serious
health facilities and are without a
significant number of doctors.
“But they also see this as an
opportunity to show that they are
in charge,” he continued. “They
see these lockdowns as helping
give them some sense of legitima-
The penalty for violating the
rules can be death. In t he troubled
western state of Cauca, Human
rights Watch documented six k ill-
ings by armed groups to enforce
coronavirus r estrictions. They in-
cluded the shooting of a local
farmer by the National Liberation
Army after he allegedly violated
lockdown rules by meeting
friends in a nearby town. Another
group targeted four Venezuelan

thought s he m ight get lucky. T hen
she s aw t he roadblock.
Enforcers with shotguns and
automatic weapons opened fire,
piercing the SUV. Paredes felt
stabs of pain as three bullets
struck her leg. Her friend, hit in
the face and arm, nevertheless
managed to pull over, where the
pair begged for their lives. They
were released with a warning, to
seek assistance o n their own.
“A bsolutely no one helped us,”
Paredes, a prosecutor in Tumaco
who handles domestic abuse cas-
es, said from the safety of a neigh-
boring city. “one person ap-
proached us, b ecause I screamed. I
begged for h elp because my f riend
was bleeding out horribly. He
came close to the window of our
car and told us, ‘Hey, quiet, be-
cause here, it is prohibited to
h elp.’ ”
Human rights groups, commu-
nity leaders and government offi-
cials say a toxic slate of leftist
guerrillas, right-wing paramilitar-
ies and drug cartels are using the
outbreak to consolidate control
over parts of a c ountry still r eeling
from the aftermath of five decades
of armed conflict. The increasing-
ly violent competition shows the
power of the pandemic to deepen
preexisting societal challenges
and l oosen the grip o f government
in fragile states.
“for these groups, this isn’t a
health issue,” said Gimena San-
chez-Garzoli, Andes director at
the Washington office on Latin
America. “It’s about exerting so-
cial control on the population.”
While the government of Presi-
dent Iván Duque is focusing on a
worsening coronavirus outbreak
— the country has reported more
than 204,000 infections and near-
ly 7,000 deaths — the draconian
measures imposed by armed
groups are serving at least two
purposes: to expand control over
roads and communities central to
narcotrafficking and illegal min-
ing and to reinforce t heir standing
as the a bsolute r ulers of their terri-
The conditions here echo a
global trend of armed groups
moving to supplant weak govern-
ments during the pandemic. The
Ta liban in Afghanistan, Comando

COLOmBiA from A

Colombian factions use

curfews to assert control

solidify their grip because police
and soldiers have withdrawn dur-
ing the outbreak. The groups, as
dangerous as they are, have filled
the v oid l eft by the absent state.
“In a way, they do what the
national government has done,
but they’re threatening,” said the
official, who spoke on the condi-

activities, such as shopping for
“They've practically taken total
control with coronavirus,” s aid Le-
ticia, who declined to give her last
name out of fear for reprisal.
A senior security official inves-
tigating the Paredes shooting said
armed groups have been able to

migrants for drinking alcohol in
In Tumaco, f ArC dissidents
forced a local family out of their
home because one member tested
positive for the coronavirus. Now
residents are terrified to get tested
themselves. They say they must
seek permission for even basic


TOP: A soldier guards an area of Bogota, Colombia, with a high number of virus cases. ABOVE: Lorena
Paredes was shot in this SUV by c urfew enforcers. Government control in some states has weakened.

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