The New York Times - USA (2020-07-31)

(Antfer) #1


Tracking an Outbreak The 2020 Vote

President Trump, who is trail-
ing badly in polling of the race
for the White House, suggested
on Thursday that the Nov. 3
general election be delayed “until
people can properly, securely and
safely vote.” Even for him, float-
ing the idea of postponing the
election was an extraordinary
breach of presidential decorum.
But the president does not
have the authority to move the
date of a federal election. And
Mr. Trump’s other claim on
Thursday, that widespread mail-
in voting would make the elec-
tion “inaccurate and fraudulent,”
is false.
Here are answers to some key
questions about holding elections
in a crisis:

Can a president’s executive order
cancel or delay an election?


Why not?
Article II of the Constitution
empowers Congress to choose
the timing of the general elec-
tion. An 1845 federal law fixed
the date as the Tuesday after the
first Monday in November.
It would take a change in
federal law to move that date.
That would mean legislation

enacted by Congress, signed by
the president and subject to
challenge in the courts.

How likely is it that the November
election will be postponed?
Did we mention that the House
of Representatives, which is
controlled by Democrats; the
Senate, which is controlled by
Republicans; and President
Trump would all have to approve
such legislation?
To call that unlikely would be
an understatement.
Even if all of that happened,
there would not be much flexibil-
ity in choosing an alternate elec-
tion date: The Constitution man-
dates that the new Congress
must be sworn in on Jan. 3, and
that the new president’s term
must begin on Jan. 20. Those
dates cannot be changed by the
passage of normal legislation.
Marc Elias, the prominent
Democratic election lawyer, on
Thursday knocked down the idea
that Mr. Trump could move the
election on his own.

Didn’t many states postpone their
primary elections this year?
Yes: In response to the coro-
navirus pandemic, sixteen states
and two territories either pushed
back their presidential primaries

or extended deadlines for voting
by mail.
States have broad autonomy to
define the timing and procedures
for primary elections. The exact
process for setting primary dates
varies from state to state.
For example, in Louisiana,
state law allows the governor to
reschedule an election because of
an emergency, so long as the
secretary of state has certified
that an emergency exists. In
March, Gov. John Bel Edwards
and Secretary of State R. Kyle
Ardoin did just that. (In fact,
they later postponed the primary
election for a second time, buy-
ing more time for the state to
prepare to hold its vote amid the

Have federal officials considered
moving a general election before?
It was reported in 2004 that
some Bush administration offi-
cials had discussed putting in
place a method of postponing a
federal election in the event of a
terrorist attack. But that idea
fizzled quickly, and Condoleezza
Rice, then the national security
adviser, said that the United
States had held “elections in this
country when we were at war,
even when we were in civil war.
And we should have the elections

on time.”

What about the procedures for
voting in the November election?
While the date of the presidential
election is set by federal law, the
procedures for voting are gener-
ally controlled at the state level.
That’s why the nation has such
a complicated patchwork of
voting regulations, with some
states allowing early and absen-
tee voting; some permitting
voting by mail or same-day voter
registration; others requiring
certain kinds of identification for
voters; and many states doing
few or none of those things.
Democrats included $3.6 bil-
lion in their latest coronavirus
aid package to help states admin-
ister their elections safely during
the pandemic. Republicans did
not include any such funding in
the proposal they rolled out this
Several states have tried to
make it easier for voters to use
mail-in ballots this year, helping
them to avoid going to polling
places on Election Day. In Michi-
gan, for example, the secretary
of state, Jocelyn Benson, mailed
absentee ballot applications to all
7.7 million registered voters for
the state’s August primary elec-
tion and the November general

Even before this year, five
states — Colorado, Hawaii, Ore-
gon, Utah and Washington —
regularly conducted their elec-
tions almost entirely by mail.
Other states have struggled
with absentee ballots. In New
York, where voters requested
hundreds of thousands more
absentee ballots than in a typical
election, officials are still count-
ing votes more than a month
after Primary Day. Races in the
12th and 15th Congressional
Districts are still unresolved.
That may offer a preview of
what could happen on election
night in November: Unless one
candidate wins in a landslide,
there may be no clear and imme-
diate winner in the presidential
race. But that does not mean that
the election would be fraudulent,
only that it may take more time
to determine the victor.

Is Trump correct that voting by
mail leads to voter fraud?
Numerous studies have shown
that all forms of voting fraud are
very rare in the United States. A
panel that Mr. Trump established
to investigate election corruption
was disbanded in 2018 after it
found no real evidence of fraud.

Experts have said that voting
by mail is less secure than voting
in person, but it is still extremely
rare to see broad cases of voter
In Washington, one of the
states that votes almost entirely
by mail, a study conducted by
the Republican secretary of state
found that 142 potential cases of
improper voting in the 2018
election were referred to county
sheriffs and prosecutors for legal
action, out of more than 3.1 mil-
lion ballots cast, which amounted
to roughly 0.004 percent of the
One of the most prominent
recent cases of fraud came in
North Carolina’s Ninth Congres-
sional District, where a political
operative was charged with
fraudulently collecting and sub-
mitting absentee ballots in an
effort to manipulate the election
results in favor of the Republican
candidate. But such broad
schemes are likely to be de-
tected, as this one was, experts
say; the district held a do-over
And Mr. Trump himself voted
by mail in the last election.

Reid J. Epstein and Linda Qiu con-
tributed reporting.


Why the President Lacks the Power to Delay the November Election


The resistance to this idea among
Republicans is overwhelming.”
Scott Jennings, a Republican
strategist and an adviser to Mr.
McConnell, called Mr. Trump’s
statement “unfocused,” and “inse-
cure,” saying it “separates him
from his own party and most of
mainstream political thought at a
time when he needs to be fully fo-
cused on coronavirus, the econ-
omy, and defining Biden as out of
the mainstream.”
“Republicans,” Mr. Jennings

added, “have reacted correctly by
rejecting the notion of delay.”
To Mr. Jennings and other Re-
publican strategists, Mr. Trump is
playing with fire by suggesting to
his supporters that mail voting
can’t be trusted, given that it may
be the best option for some people
in an era in which almost every ac-
tivity has been changed to combat
the virus’s spread. Making Repub-
lican voters distrust mail voting
could negatively affect not just Mr.
Trump, but a host of down-ballot

Facing disastrous economic
news and rising coronavirus
deaths, President Trump on
Thursday floated delaying the
Nov. 3 election, a suggestion that
lacks legal authority and could un-
dermine confidence in an election
that polls show him on course to
Republican leaders in Con-
gress, who often claim not to have
seen Mr. Trump’s outlandish
statements and tweets and who
infrequently challenge him in
public, promptly and vocally con-
demned any notion that the elec-
tion would be moved.
It was a moment of striking po-
litical isolation for the president,
as Republicans felt no need to de-
fend him, Democrats condemned
him, and three former presidents
gathered in a rare moment togeth-
er, paying tribute at the funeral of
Representative John Lewis of
Mr. Trump is facing about as
dire a run-up to a presidential
election as any incumbent could
imagine: the worst quarter in the
economy on record, an unceasing
health crisis, protests nationwide
and a country paralyzed by the
lack of a financial recovery plan
with no solution in sight — all
compounded by his own inability
to curtail his behavior.
His remarks on Twitter about
the election delay — which he
linked to his baseless claims about
the potential for mail-in voter
fraud — were one of the few clear
signs that the president now real-
izes how deep a hole he has dug
for himself in his re-election effort.
Aides have described him as
pained by the widespread rejec-
tion he is seeing in public opinion
polls, even as he continues with
self-sabotaging behavior rather
than taking steps that might help
him, like getting involved in nego-
tiations for a deal on Capitol Hill to
lift the economy.
“With Universal Mail-In Voting
(not Absentee Voting, which is
good), 2020 will be the most IN-
Election in history,” Mr. Trump
wrote. “It will be a great embar-
rassment to the USA. Delay the
Election until people can properly,
securely and safely vote???”
Mr. Trump later pinned the
tweet at the top of his Twitter feed,
ensuring people would continue to
see it. Hours later, despite warn-
ings from his campaign officials
that delays are likely in tabulating
results on Nov. 3, Mr. Trump said
in a separate tweet, “Must know
Election results on the night of the
Election, not days, months or even
years later!”
That second statement reflects
a concern that Democrats have
given voice to — that Mr. Trump
will try to focus on the same-day
voting tallies to claim victory,
even when the full results may be
unknown for days.
At a late-afternoon briefing
with reporters, Mr. Trump de-
fended the initial tweet, saying
that he feared delays in counting
votes. But he declined to elaborate

on whether he was seriously
proposing moving the election.
Mr. Trump posted the first
tweet shortly after the Commerce
Department announced that the
gross domestic product for the
second quarter of the year had
fallen precipitously by 9.5 per-
cent, reflecting the widespread
shutdown of businesses begin-
ning in March to combat the
spread of the coronavirus.
Mr. Trump, who often tests the
boundaries of his authority, has in-
creasingly used public comments
to lay groundwork for arguing
that the election results are illegit-
imate if he loses. Though he does
not have the constitutional au-
thority to unilaterally change the
date of the election, his tweet
prompted a now-familiar round of
assertions about what his true in-
tention was with his statement.
With Mr. Trump, that is fre-
quently a guessing game. The
president has often posted re-
marks on Twitter that are aimed
at sparking a reaction from peo-
ple. At other times, he posts in re-
action to what he sees on cable
news shows. And sometimes he
tries to change what those shows
are focusing on with his tweets, of-
fering a diversion.
Whatever his motivation on
Thursday, senior Republicans and
an array of senators wanted no
part of it, diverging from their
standard practice of walking on
eggshells after a Trump eruption.
“Never in the history of the fed-
eral elections have we not held an
election, and we should go for-
ward,” said Representative Kevin
McCarthy of California, the House
minority leader and an enthusias-
tic supporter of Mr. Trump’s, add-
ing that he understood “the presi-
dent’s concern about mail-in vot-
Senator Mitch McConnell, the
majority leader, echoed Mr. Mc-
Carthy, saying “we’ll find a way”
to hold the election on Nov. 3.
Senators Ted Cruz and Marco
Rubio, rivals for the 2016 Republi-
can presidential nomination who
have since become staunch
Trump supporters, both dis-
missed the idea that the date for
the election could change. Senator
Lindsey Graham, Mr. Trump’s
foremost public defender in the
Senate, said there would be a se-
cure vote in November. And offi-
cials in key swing states showed
little interest in engaging on the
“We’re going to have an elec-
tion, it’s going to be legitimate, it’s
going to be credible, it’s going to
be the same as it’s always been,”
Mr. Rubio told reporters at the
Capitol in Washington.
Mr. Cruz agreed. “I think elec-
tion fraud is a serious problem,” he
said. “But, no, we should not delay
the election.”
People close to Mr. Trump said
that the president has at times dis-
cussed with associates whether
the election can be delayed, and
has been told definitively that
only an amendment to the Consti-
tution could change the date. But
his tweet was discomfiting to most
of his aides, who tried to clean up
his statement later by contending
that he had been referring to the
possibility that the outcome won’t
be known until weeks after the
This is not the first time that Mr.

Trump has raised the idea of
thwarting rules or laws that he
finds objectionable, and he often
fails to follow through. He has re-
peatedly hurled threats, whether
it is defunding universities or
blocking federal aid to states, the
substance of which he has no in-
tent, or capacity, to fulfill.
The president, who did not
serve in government before being
elected to the highest office in the
country, has never fully absorbed
what powers he does and does not
have, or how to wield his author-
ity. What Mr. Trump has always
been mindful of, dating to his time
as a real estate developer, is the
danger of being labeled a failure.
So in response to his weakened
standing in the presidential race,
Mr. Trump has been reaching for
arguments to explain his difficul-
ties this year, repeatedly noting
how the virus undermined the
booming economy for which he
claims credit.
In this vein, any uncertainty
about the balloting offers him an
opening to raise questions about
the legitimacy of his loss, regard-
less of whether he challenges the
Trump-weary Republicans may
make that a more difficult task,
Representative Liz Cheney, Re-
publican of Wyoming, a sometime
critic of the president who is eye-
ing the top ranks of the House
leadership, said: “We are not
moving the date of the election.

”The reality is,” Mr. Jennings
said, “he needs every Republican
vote there is, and he needs them
any way he can get them, no mat-
ter how they are cast.”
The president has repeatedly
railed against mail voting, creat-
ing outlandish scenarios of ballot
theft to undermine confidence in
the practice.
Even for Mr. Trump, suggesting
a delay in the election was an ex-
traordinary breach of presidential
decorum that will increase the
chances that he and his core sup-
porters don’t accept the legitima-
cy of the election should he lose to
former Vice President Joseph R.
Biden Jr. Mr. Trump’s comments
about the election looked all the
more discordant coming just
hours before the funeral for Mr.
Lewis, a Democrat who as a
young man was beaten and jailed
as he advocated voting rights.
Without mentioning his succes-
sor by name, former President
Barack Obama used his eulogy of
Mr. Lewis to rebuke Mr. Trump.
Speaking from the pulpit of At-
lanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church,
where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. was reared and eventu-
ally preached, Mr. Obama lashed
Mr. Trump for “even undermining
the Postal Service in the run-up to
an election that’s going to be de-
pendent on mail-in ballots so peo-
ple don’t get sick.”
For all the eye-rolling dismiss-
als among Republicans, Mr.
Trump’s remarks irritated and

embarrassed his allies — and rep-
resented the latest illustration of
how he is not only complicating
his own campaign but also com-
pounding his party’s challenge
this fall.
Already burdened with an ad-
ministration that only briefly at-
tempted a full-scale response to a
public health crisis that has sick-
ened millions of Americans and
killed over 150,000 while ravaging
the economy, Republicans on the
ballot are increasingly being un-
dermined by Mr. Trump’s re-
sponse to his misfortune.
Just this week, after he finally
bowed to pressure to urge people
to take virus safety measures, the
president lamented how unpopu-
lar he is compared with his high-
profile medical advisers.
And then he publicized an on-
line video promoting an unproven
virus treatment from a doctor who
has previously opined on alien
DNA and the impact of having sex
with demons in one’s dreams.
His growing desperation to
close the gap with Mr. Biden has
also caused headaches for Repub-
licans because he has increas-
ingly employed race-baiting lan-
guage that few in the party care to
“I am happy to inform all of the
people living their Suburban Life-
style Dream that you will no long-
er be bothered or financially hurt
by having low income housing
built in your neighborhood,” he
tweeted on Wednesday.

Checking patients at a testing site in Tulsa, Okla., below right. The virus and national unrest, including in Portland, Ore., late Wednes-
day, below, has damaged President Trump’s re-election bid and increased calls for mail voting, which he has repeatedly attacked.




Isolated and Sinking,

Trump Escalates Push

To Delegitimize Election

This article is by Maggie Ha-
, Jonathan Martin and Reid
J. Epstein

A suggestion that

drew unusually firm

resistance from


Luke Broadwater, Emily Cochrane
and Matt Stevens contributed re-


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