Barron's - USA (2020-08-03)

(Antfer) #1

12 BARRON’S August 3, 2020

Google. Conceivably, they might halt

some minor acquisition, but there’s

nothing that’s going to go to court.”

Melamed says that there was no

clear legislative agenda evident from

lawmakers’ questions, which covered

a range of perceived grievances and

didn’t delve into whether antitrust

laws need to be adjusted.

Over about 5 ½ hours, socially

distanced, masked committee mem-

bers grilled Alphabet’s Sundar Pi-

chai, Amazon’s Jeffrey Bezos, Apple’s

Timothy Cook, and Facebook’s Mark

Zuckerberg, who were beamed onto

monitors set up throughout the

chamber in the Capitol.

Committee members frequently

interrupted the CEOs to ask ques-

tions covering everything from Face-

book’s advertising practices and ac-

quisition strategies to the fairness of

Google’s search results, and whether

Amazon used its third-party seller

data to develop competing products.

Apple’s perceived dominance

through its app store received much

less attention.

Despite digressions, both political

parties managed to get their digs in.

“The companies as they exist today

have monopoly power,” subcommit-

tee chairman David Cicilline (D., R.I.)

said as he adjourned the session.

“Some need to be broken up. All need

to be properly regulated.”

Republican ranking member

James Sensenbrenner (R.,-Wis.) said

that “as the business landscape

evolves, we must ensure that our ex-

Tech Grilling:

More Bluster



The biggest U.S. tech companies

are unlikely to face an antitrust

assault, observers conclude after

congressional hearings.

“I’ve long

thought and

continue to




isn’t going to

be a major

threat to



Stanford law Prof.

Douglas Melamed


ednesday’s interrogation of

four tech titans by the U.S.

House Judiciary Subcom-

mittee on Antitrust marked

a concerted display of bipartisan hos-

tility toward some of the largest tech-

nology companies in the world.

But lawmakers failed to score deci-

sive points, particularly with regard

to the companies’ alleged violations

of antitrust law, and shares ofAlpha-

bet(ticker: GOOGL),

(AMZN),Apple(AAPL), andFace-

book(FB) rallied on the day.

“I’ve long thought and continue to

think [antitrust regulation] isn’t going

to be a major threat to these compa-

nies,” says Douglas Melamed, a Stan-

ford University law professor and for-

mer general counsel of Intel. “They

aren’t going to bust up Facebook or


isting antitrust laws are applied to

meet the needs of our country and its


Yet, several observers say the hear-

ing lacked antitrust content, with

only about a fifth of the questions

relating directly to antitrust law, ac-

cording to former Justice Department

antitrust attorney Avery Gardiner.

“They got very close to some impor-

tant issues and then didn’t pursue

them,” she says.

Baron Funds portfolio manager

Michael Lippert says he is much

more concerned with European anti-

trust activity than U.S. threats.

“There’s a lot of bluster, but I don’t

think there is a lot that can be done

under our laws,” he says.


nvestors seem to agree. In addi-

tion to Wednesday’s strong

showing, Facebook, Amazon,

and Apple all surged on Friday

after they posted strong second-

quarter earnings. “I don’t think in-

vestors were all that worried after

yesterday, and they won’t be until

they get a better sense about a spe-

cific risk area,” Michael Cuggino,

president of the Permanent Portfolio

Family of Funds toldBarron’son

Thursday. (For more on earnings, see

Tech Trader on page 29.)

For the moment, the stocks’ per-

formance will be governed by

whether the companies continue to

see strong growth. T. Rowe Price

portfolio manager Joseph Fath notes

that becauseMicrosoft(MSFT) con-

tinued to innovate, its shares outper-

formed the S&P 500 by more than

900% during the years when the

government pursued an antitrust

case against it. In the near term, he

says, an antitrust threat won’t dent

tech industry earnings.B Graeme Jennings/Pool/AFP/Getty Images Chief Executive Jeffrey Bezos and the CEOs of Apple, Alphabet, and Facebook testified

Wednesday via video before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust.

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