Times 2 - UK (2020-08-03)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Monday August 3 2020 1GT 9



The teenager

who vaulted

past illness

to movie


Gymnast Frankie Box overcame a

severe disorder to make this summer’s

feelgood hit, she tells Kevin Maher

Frankie Box in Perfect
10 and, top, in the film
with Alfie Deegan.
Below: Frankie at the
premiere with Eva
Riley and Alfie Deegan

Perfect 10 is released
on Friday on Curzon
Home Cinema and
BFI Player


n the night of
October 3 at the
London Film
Festival something
happened on the
red carpet. No, it
wasn’t the poster
boy Timothée Chalamet, who was
there to dazzle a throng of tweenie
fans in front of the Odeon Leicester
Square for the premiere of The King. It
was on another carpet, a stone’s throw
away at the Vue West End, where a
second premiere was taking place.
This film was a deeply accomplished
coming-of-age drama called Perfect 10,
and the premiere might have been
another workaday festival bunfight
were it not for the presence of its
standout star, Frankie Box. The
glamorous young woman was dressed
in black, hair miraculously coiffured,
jewelled necklace sparkling, the whole
knockout ensemble topped off with a
long white medical feeding tube
attached to her nose.
“I was actually feeling quite positive
that night,” says Frankie, 17, via Zoom
from her home in Dartford, Kent. She
says that the tube, which ran directly
from her duodenum up through her
gut, out of her nostril, across her face
(held in place with medical tape) and
down below her waist, was not a
bother. “I’d had it in for so long by
then that I had almost forgotten about
it,” she says. “And my friends said that
they didn’t even see it on my face any
more.” Besides, she adds, the premiere
was extra special because earlier that
day the staples had been removed
from her stomach after a complicated
operation to fit a gastric pacemaker.
Frankie had been afflicted with
gastroparesis, an extremely rare

digestive disorder. She puts it more
simply: “My stomach stopped
working.” She had been living
undiagnosed with the illness since she
was 11, experiencing crippling stomach
cramps after every meal, relentless
vomiting and multiple stays in hospital
while being treated by puzzled
physicians and suffering dangerous
levels of weight loss. Several times at
school she collapsed, unconscious.
It’s baffling to comprehend how,
during these six years of incapacitating
trauma, Frankie decided not to lie in
bed and wallow. Instead she became a
high-level gymnast, winning a bronze
medal in the TeamGym British
competition, and in 2018 moved into
acting, starring in Perfect 10. She says
that it’s not baffling at all, and that the
body and mind can get used to
anything, no matter how extreme.
“By the time we started filming
Perfect 10 I was so used to feeling sick
and being in pain that it had just
become part of my everyday life,”
Frankie says. “So, for example, when
I went to school I’d be in pain all day,
then I’d come home and try and eat
something, then go to gym and be in
pain at gym, and sometimes be
physically sick. I was so used to it that
I started to think that somehow
everyone must also be in pain.
Honestly, it got to the point when
I assumed that everyone must
get stomach ache when you eat
and that’s just what happens.
Because I’d had it for so many
years, and been told by so
many doctors that there was
nothing wrong with me.”
Her gymnastics coach had
spotted the casting call for
Perfect 10 on Facebook. And
after a couple of auditions

with Eva Riley, the young Scottish
director, Frankie was cast as Leigh, an
aspiring gymnast whose world is
upended when she meets her hitherto
undiscovered stepbrother Joe (Alfie
Deegan), a petty criminal. He
introduces her to the heady world of
lawbreaking (stealing motorbikes
mostly), for which she displays an
unerring affinity. She must choose
between gymnastics and crime, love
and loyalty, old family and new friends.
The shoot, Frankie says, was an eye-
opener. Eating before a big scene was
a no-no, but she managed her
condition by shifting her mealtimes
about and scheduling snack times. The
illness, in fact, helped her to “find” the
character of Leigh, who, like Frankie,
is good at hiding her feelings. “When
I’d get ill I’d put a big front on, as if
nothing was bothering me,” Frankie
says. “Which is quite like Leigh.”
The shooting finished in August
2018, not long after which
Frankie’s health suddenly
started to nosedive.
By then the condition had
been officially diagnosed
and she was waiting for an
expensive operation to fit a
pacemaker that might fix
her stomach. The procedure
is not covered by the NHS
and so the £17,000 cost was
crowdfunded by Frankie’s

gym club. Her health was failing so
swiftly, however, that she was worried
the operation might never happen.
“Right before my surgery I went
downhill really quickly,” she says. “My
stomach just shut down, the weight was
falling off and you could see my bones.”
Around this time, in the summer of
2019, Riley invited Frankie, her
parents and younger sister to a
screening room in London to view the
finished film. Frankie is the obvious
standout of the Brighton-set story,
effortlessly charismatic as the no-
nonsense Leigh, carrying every scene
and lifting the film with that climactic
and quietly moving gymnastics
routine. When the lights went up her
family were in tears, not because of
the impact of the film, but because of
how healthy she looked on screen
compared with the cadaverous waif
she had become in real life. “I wasn’t
doing great at the time,” she says. “So
obviously everyone found it really
emotional. Even my dad was crying.”
The story has a happy ending.
Frankie’s surgery was an unqualified
success, the feeding tube has gone and
she can now eat anything she wants,
whenever she wants. The film has been
a festival smash wherever it’s played —
in February Frankie was treated like a
celebrity at Annonay in France after it
wowed at that festival. “When I’d go
out for a meal people would come up
and ask for a picture with me, and I
remember thinking, ‘Oh my God! This
is real!’ ” she says. She has got herself
an agent and done auditions, self-taped
because of the pandemic.
For this singularly determined and
unflappable person, there is only one
future. “I had always loved doing gym,
and had imagined continuing it after
filming,” Frankie says. “But as I was
doing the film I kept thinking, ‘You
know what, I’m really enjoying this.’
And then it became, ‘This could
actually be what I want to do.’ And
then finally, when the film was
finished, I decided, ‘This is it. This is
what I want to do.’ ”
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