The Economist - USA (2020-08-08)

(Antfer) #1

18 Asia The EconomistAugust 8th 2020

2 ern state of Kerala.
The bjp, in contrast, has propagated the
notion that Hindus, who make up about
80% of the population, are hard done by in
modern India, and that Muslims, who ac-
count for just 14%, get too good a deal.
Since winning a thumping election victory
last year, it has reversed, at least in part, the
three supposed injustices on which it has
campaigned longest and most insistently:
the failure to honour Ram at his birthplace,
the special constitutional status granted
Jammu & Kashmir, India’s only state with a
Muslim majority, and the distinct laws on
marriage and inheritance that apply only
to Muslims. On August 5th last year the
government not only revoked Jammu &
Kashmir’s modest autonomy, but down-
graded it from a state to a territory and split
it in two for good measure. A week before it
had rescinded Muslim men’s right to di-
vorce their wives instantly and at whim
and had made it a crime to attempt to do so.
These moves in part reflect the bjp’s po-
litical dominance. For the first time, it en-
joys a majority in both chambers of parlia-
ment and no longer has to rely on less
sectarian allies to pass legislation. But the
sudden rush to advance the Hindu
nationalist items on its agenda also reflects
the diminished chance of making good on
its other main campaign promise: to accel-
erate economic growth and spread oppor-
tunity. The growth rate was already slowing
before covid-19 arrived; the imfnow pre-
dicts that the economy will contract by
4.5% this year. Millions are being pitched
into poverty.
What is more, the bjphas not yet hit on a
fresh cause with the appeal of the Ram tem-
ple. When it amended the laws on citizen-
ship to favour Hindus at the end of last
year, it was met with surprisingly big and
persistent protests in favour of secularism.
The government itself, meanwhile, seems
wary of stoking confrontation with China,
despite recent Chinese border encroach-
ments that have aroused public indigna-
tion. After Chinese troops beat 20 Indian
soldiers to death high in the Himalayas in
June, it took Mr Modi’s government two
weeks to retaliate, and then only with a de-
cree banning an assortment of Chinese-
owned smartphone apps.
In the Ramayana, the epic poem that
tells the story of Ram, the god is exiled from
Ayodhya by his father, the king, and passed
over as heir to the throne. Although it takes
him many years and titanic struggles to do
so, Ram eventually returns in triumph to
Ayodhya, where he takes his rightful place
as king and ushers in a golden era. Mr Modi
is deliberately echoing the story with his
own triumphant return to Ayodhya. He
would doubtless like Indians to imagine
that a golden era lies ahead. But the bjp’s
current political ascendancy is made of
baser stuff. 7


oo manyroads cross the southern bor-
der of the state of Queensland for police
to patrol them all. Instead, the authorities
have been setting up waist-high plastic
barricades to block small streets that lead
to neighbouring New South Wales near the
sprawling city of Gold Coast. The intention
is to prevent people entering Queensland
from avoiding police checkpoints. The
state, which has only a few active cases of
covid-19, is closing itself off to the 15m resi-
dents of Victoria, New South Wales and the
Australian Capital Territory, in an effort to
prevent more from being imported.
Walls of a less visible variety have been
erected all over Australia since the pan-
demic began. All bar one of its eight main
states and territories have imposed border
controls, either banning certain domestic
travellers or forcing them to quarantine in
hotels on arrival.
Victoria accounts for the vast majority
of Australia’s 7,500-odd active cases. Syd-
ney, the capital of New South Wales, has far
fewer cases—just a dozen or so each day.
But the twitchy governments of other
states are nonetheless banning Sydneysid-
ers as well as Victorians (see map).
This has helped to stop the coronavirus
spreading to less populated parts of the
country. Several states and territories have
technically eliminated the disease, mean-
ing that they have no local transmission at
all. But imported cases continue to pop up,
spurring constant tightening of restric-
tions on interstate travel.
Tasmania, an island, started making

use of its natural fortifications in March,
imposing two weeks’ quarantine on all ar-
rivals from other parts of Australia. It had
planned to launch a travel “bubble” with
other covid-free states on August 7th, but
delayed at the last minute. Its borders will
be closed until at least the end of the
month, and probably longer.
Western Australia, already separated
from the rest of the country by a vast desert,
shut out all other Australians in April, and
has no plans to open back up. Its govern-
ment makes exceptions only for miners
and other “essential” workers.
Australians seem happy to tolerate
these fetters to keep the virus at bay. West-
ern Australia’s premier, Mark McGowan,
who faces an election next year, hit an ap-
proval rating of 89% in a poll conducted
shortly after he closed the border. His
counterpart in Tasmania fares nearly as
well. Annastacia Palaszczuk, Queensland’s
leader, who is also approaching an elec-
tion, boasts that locals stop her in the street
“telling me they support our stance when it
comes to the borders.”
But the controls have scuppered plans
to revive domestic tourism and irritated
some businesses. Clive Palmer, a mining
magnate from Queensland, was incensed
by Western Australia’s refusal to grant him
special permission to fly in for business.
Mr McGowan, complains Mr Palmer, “has
great admiration for countries which have
heads of state...with dictatorial powers, but
that is not Australia.”
Mr Palmer has sued the government of
Western Australia, arguing that the consti-
tution declares that “trade, commerce and
intercourse among the states... shall be ab-
solutely free.” The courts have previously
ruled that there can be limited exceptions.
Mr McGowan believes that a pandemic
qualifies. In times like these, he asserts,
“constitutional niceties should...go out the
window.” But Mr Palmer argues that the
state’s sweeping border closure is not pro-
portionate to the threat.
The federal government initially argued
for looser restrictions, too. It sent officials
to testify in support of Mr Palmer at a hear-
ing late last month. Western Australia’s ap-
proach was “indiscriminate” and “uncom-
promising”, argued Scott Morrison, the
prime minister. A more reasonable policy
would be to open “in a staged, sensible, ju-
risdiction-by-jurisdiction way”, suggested
the attorney-general, Christian Porter.
But the federal government has since
withdrawn its support for Mr Palmer. The
prime minister explained that the com-
monwealth had “taken into account the
changed state of the pandemic” and the
“high level of concern” about covid-19 in
Western Australia. In other words, with in-
fections rising and voters feeling scared,
Mr Morrison’s Liberal Party is not planning
to go to bat for liberal principles. 7

Barriers to domestic travel are being
tested in the courts

Australia and covid-

Borderline cases










Closed Closed to Victoria
Open but travellers from
hotspots must quarantine

Open but state
in lockdown

Australia border restrictions*, at Aug 5th 2020

*Unless exempt or essential †Also restricts
visitors from Sydney or NSW §Also restricts
visitors from other hotspots. Tasmanian
residents from affected areas must quarantine
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