2019-07-01 Homebuilding & Renovating

(Joyce) #1
homebuilding.co.uk 175

is havingboxedinpipeworksnaking
aroundthebathroomasit alwayslooks
likea mistake.
before.Thereis sucha bewilderingrange
a goodlayouttellyouwhatwillworkbest.
Asa littletip,selectonewalltodifferentiate
ina contrastingtileandthiswillgivethe
bathrooma focus.

A few hours with an architect or an interior
designer can resolve fundamental issues
and set you up with a good working layout.
This would include a plan and elevations
of the walls. These drawings will show the
locations of all of the bathroom fittings and
how they sit with other features, such as
windows and the door.
With any bathroom remodelling project
on a small budget, I would start with
the location of the existing plumbing,
specifically the toilet waste pipe. See if
you can make the layout work with this in

where to turn for our bedroom remodel?


I’d like to remodel our bathroom on a budget of
around £5-7k. How should I start the process?
lUcy hill

The Build

image: syte architects


have asked me to
change my design to
something less aesthetically
pleasing. There is a small
row of terraced houses next
to the plot, but it is semi
rural and I am being asked
to copy the pitch and height
of the adjacent roofs. The
house I’m proposing will
be the same size as threeof
willcreatea reallylowroof.

You need to look at
local planning policy
relating to design and
the Residential Design
Guide (RDG) (if the
LPA have one). You
should make a clear
and dispassionate case
explaining why your
preferred design would
be more in line with the
provisions contained
within local policy
and the RDG. Focus
on the impact on the
local area. Remember,
the LPA are primarily
concerned with the
external visual impact of
what you are proposing,
so complaints relating
to how the dwelling will
function internally will
likely fall on deaf ears.
Your architect and/or
planning consultant
should be able to help
you put together a
coherent rebuttal.


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