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The galactic civil war, in which the Rebel
Alliance blew up two Death Stars thereby
defeating the evil Empire, is a pretty big
deal. There was also that conflict between
some trade federation and a democracy
headed up by a secretly evil being with
sunken eyes and a deathly pallor. No,
we’re not talking about Brexit, but the plot
from Star Wars Episode I. Still, throw all the
racially stereotyped muppets you like at
it, there’s no denying that each and every
one of these big-screen wars in a galaxy
far, far away has made for fantastic Xbox
games, from 2003’sKnights Of The Old
Republic, via that one for Kinect where you
to hold

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Perhaps it’s the historical certainty that the Nazis were
just the worst, or the broad scope of world-wide battle
locations, or the fact that Spitfires are so cool, but no other
war has lent itself to Xbox games quite as enthusiastically
and prodigiously as double-ya double-ya two. Five Call Of
Duties and three Battlefield games have brought the global
conflict to Xbox, most recently CoD WW2 and Battlefield V,
which still managed to find fresh angles with its inspired
War Stories single-player campaigns, while waging online
multiplayer war on the various fronts of WW2 has never
been so visceral. Worth mentioning Velvet Assassin, and
the Brothers In Arms and Medal Of Honor series too. Killing
Nazis is so rich a vein of righteous gaming fun, in fact, that a
bunch of alternate-realities have cropped up in the likes of
Wolfenstein so you can carry on doing it well into the 1960s.

More Xbox news at gamesradar.com/oxm THE OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE 111


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