I’m replaying
Skyrim for the 50th
time with the
intention of getting
every achievement
for a second time. I
have a problem.
Presumably your
problem is that
Bethesda still hasn’t
released The Elder
Scrolls VI.
Hitman 2!
Especially as you can
play Hitman 1 levels
through it too.
Catching up on two
games at once.
LeXmas Tree
Stay away from Phil’s
leaderboard scores
or else he will be sad.
I’m playing MGSV,
and it’s the strangest
gaming experience
I’ve ever had. Not
sure what that
means? Neither am I.
Sometimes horses
are just on fire, OK?
It’s fashion.
Playing through
Diablo III since I
picked up the
Necromancer. I forgot
how fun it is to play an
arcade-y lootfest.
Thomas Helms
Any ARPG that
doesn’t feature a
massive wizard laser
is a waste of time.
Bought Monster
Hunter World, and
I’ve been having a
blast, it’s fun hunting
down well-designed
monsters to collect
materials and build
cool-looking gear.
Pour one out for our
bro, pukei-pukei.
Better Together
I started PC gaming this
time last year, and PC Gamer helped
me to decide ehich laptop to buy.
I’m having a blast playing FPS
games. PUBG has been my go-to,
especially with my Lebanese friend.
I also play Fortnite with my Greek
friends. Far Cry 5 and Assassin’s
Creed Odyssey and Dishonored:
Death of the Outsider are my side
games when I’m offline.
It’s been a wonderful year, and
I’m confident 2019 is going to be
great. My biggest thanks for the
never-ending supply of information
and reviews. Keep being amazing!
Phil: Things got a bit heavy in this
month’s Send, so here’s a nice email
from Ahmed about how great PC
gaming can be. Let us know your
hopes for PC gaming in 2019.
As consumers
Let me start by saying thank you. I’ve
been a subscriber since I could read,
and I convinced my mother to sell
her Apple Mac for a Pentium III so I
could play Baldur’s Gate. You guys
have always been my go-to.
This has been bothering me for
some time now, and something has to
be said. Let me preface this with the
fact I understand there is a time to
complain. However, it seems to me
that comment sections and forum
threads have become full of entitled
kids and man-children that seem to
love to have a cry about everything.
As consumers, our vote and
biggest say is our cash. Yet the trend
seems to be to make our own minds
up about what a game or product
should be, purchase it under a false
presumption, and then proceed to
moan and review bomb. The culture
on Twitch, YouTube, and the like has
convinced us it’s OK to be entitled,
vitriol-spewing douchebags looking
for the next bandwagon to jump on.
Stop. Do your research, form an
opinion, and then use your
purchasing power to make a point.
In the day and age of anti-loot
box, anti-microtransactions, and
anti-paid-for-DLC, it astounds me
that these ‘opinions’ seem to totally
contradict sales. And you expect a
publisher to care that you’re upset
when they hit target!? Appreciate and
enjoy the things that work for you.
That’s why we game. Support the
companies that embrace your ideals
and if you don’t like something, keep
your cash in your wallet.
It still pains me to think about
Titanfall 2. The critically acclaimed
campaign with ultra-smooth
gameplay that gave us free DLC, only
to have no player base because we’re
all hypocrites. Before you cry, look in
the mirror. You’re likely more part of
the problem than you realize.
Phil: The nature of online discourse is
certainly broken. There’s an ugly relish
with which the next target for outrage
is pounced upon, and distressingly
little thought ever given to the
individual developers affected.
And yet, I still feel it’s too simple
and neat to dismiss everyone who
complains as ‘entitled’ or ‘whiny’. The
industry has changed a lot over the
last decade. We once laughed at
Oblivion’s horse armor for being such a
cash grab. Now, horse armor would be
celebrated for not being pay-to-win.
Some are angry that gaming isn’t
just for them anymore—that
publishers have found a new, more
mainstream audience. But it isn’t all
gatekeepers raging against the dying
of the light. AAA games demand more
of your money and time, and that isn’t
for everyone’s benefit.
There are no easy answers here. My
advice would be to ignore the people
trying to whip you up into an outrage—
don’t get me started on the idea that
your only worth in the player-creator
relationship is as a ‘consumer’. Don’t
be afraid to have a voice, but use it to
praise the things you love, not just
condemn the things that you don’t.
Ahmed is a newcomer
to PC gaming.
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Do PC gamers need to change?