34 Global Gaming Business FEBRUARY 2019
un the table” boasts a new interpretation.
Its sports-world origin denotes a team that must beat a string
of opponents to reach a playoff berth. Table games unfurled that
equivalent in recent years, toppling demographic obstacles to regain promi-
nence via bonusing, side bets, wild cards and progressives.
This was a great comeback for the classic brick-and-mortar sector once
damaged by the ascent of slot machines and the mobile age. Table games
own new significance, built on the back of multiple wagers, numerous vari-
ables and the rush of instant action.
The makeover was timely. A new challenge, and opportunity, has
emerged. Gaming plays an industry wild card with the repeal of the Profes-
sional and Amateur Sports Protection Act opening the floodgates for sports
betting by phone, tablets or in a book. Short term, that lessens table-game
revenues. Yet long term, it may increase the gaming pool. Bettors of foot-
ball and college basketball, using vehicles like in-game wagers and prop-till-
you-drop phone accessibility, could become new customers, anywhere
inside the casino.
With football season ending, these players are candidates for the table-
game expanded menu. Side bets at table games spawn a win-win perform-
ance, with players enjoying their excitement and operators gaining an
abundant house edge.
Vendors believe table games can serve the next wave of aficionados.
The new table age prompts technology that captures their habits, and re-
veals a future blueprint for promo offers, comps, meals and game plat-
For operators, knowing this market has never been more important.
How they run the table has become as interesting as the games themselves.
Spring, Texas-based Genesis Gaming Solutions, involved
in table game tracking technology and systems since
2000, has showcased a major catalyst with the Bravo Pit
System. The signature table-game management and
tracking product, now used by more than 500 casinos,
debuted in 2004. It has evolved from a stand-alone elec-
tronic ratings program into a full-service system contain-
ing multiple applications.
The next innovation wave involves radio frequency
identification, an increasingly viable vehicle. GGS sees sensor and RFID
technology as the path to give casinos a performance picture enhancing
functions like table game performance, chip tracking and cage opera-
“RFID integration with Bravo Pit is the next big thing for us, given
the growing demand for accurate data,” says Randy Knust, president of
Genesis Gaming Solutions. “We are already seeing significant RFID
adoption and believe that it will continue to grow over the coming years,
especially given the improved RFID pricing in the marketplace.
“With the growing demand for accuracy and following the recent in-
stallation success by certain Caesars properties, we believe that RFID, in
conjunction with Bravo Pit, will be at the forefront and heavily adopted
in 2019, especially given the advancements made in reducing the cost of
RFID chips.”
RFID has indeed come a long way. At one point it was considered
difficult to work in casino environments. Bulky hardware and the clash-
ing of signals at or near table games was cited. Yet that has changed, ac-
cording to Knust.
“The technology has improved in recent years with manufacturers
producing hardware that is more robust and accurate than ever before,”
he says. “Today’s RFID readers and antennas have improved location
sensitivity along with auto-tuning functionality. This enables large
amounts of hardware to be strategically installed into tables with mini-
mal ongoing maintenance.”
Chip quality has substantially improved, with the likes of Walker
Digital PJM 3.0 tags delivering top read speed and reliability, he says.
More RFID chip manufacturers in the space add healthy competition,
which in turn is bringing more affordability to
the marketplace, he asserts.
While that unfolds, Genesis thrives with
Bravo Pit, which contains an array of segments:
“We have created a platform that gives casi-
nos a variety of ways to enhance their table game
operations, improving efficiency, player tracking
and bet tracking,” he says. “The Bravo Pit sys-
tem is at the heart of the tracking solution, ful-
filling core fundamentals for table game
divisions looking for robust table management,
Bravo Pit Watch module is the heart of the
player tracking and management software
On a Run
Tracking table games becomes
easier with new products
By Dave Bontempo
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