Can CBD Tinctures Help with Bodybuilding_ Weight Loss_ and Muscle Recovery_ - CBD Life Magazine

(whdawea1) #1
CB1 receptors are primarily located in the brain and spinal
cord, otherwise known as the central nervous system, however,
they also exist in other areas like the liver and fat tissue. These
receptors are responsible for regulating brain function and
releasing neurotransmitters (or hormones) such as serotonin,
dopamine, and glutamate.
CB2 receptors are primarily located in the immune system,
however, can also be found in areas such as the gastrointestinal
tract, peripheral nervous system, fat tissue, and liver. These
receptors are responsible for inflammation, and cell survival.

Why is CB1 important to weight loss? 

A couple of reasons. First, the central nervous system is responsible
for feeding processes such as assessing how much energy our body
needs to function and having feelings of hunger. That feeling we get
to signal we’re hungry is controlled by the hypothalamus, the small
part of the brain located near the pituitary gland that’s responsible
for releasing hormones and regulating body temperature. This
trigger occurs when there is an imbalance within our hormones, as
well as by the binding of the endocannabinoids 2-AG (known for
being associated with pain relief, suppression of nausea and
vomiting, and the stimulation of appetite) and anandamide (also
called the “bliss molecule”) to the CB1 receptors in the
hypothalamus. This means that when there are elevated 2-AG
levels, it can lead to overeating and obesity. Secondly, there is a
dopamine response related to food intake thanks to the CB
receptor, which is why we love eating foods that are high in sugar or
fat and can become addicted to fast food and candies, etc. CB
antagonists like CBD( might indirectly inhibit
the dopamine effect of food which can lead to weight loss.

Brown Fat, White Fat, and CBD

You might remember from high school science that we have 2
different types of fats: white fat and brown fat. White fat stores
energy in big singular droplets of oil throughout the body and in
large quantities, leading to obesity or metabolic disorders like Privacy - Terms

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