
(singke) #1

teidpnetsef 41

Pick a side and inltrate your way to independence in

this trust-nobody retelling of the US revolution


Words by Charlie Theel


’m a sucker for historical themes in
accessible titles. By that I mean I love
when we get settings and narratives
branching out from their typical
restrictions to hex-and-chit wargames.
Patriots & Redcoats from designer Tom
Butler and Green Feet Games ts the
bill. It’s also helpful that it’s a quality
design rife with tension and excitement.
While merging the historical setting of
the American Revolutionary War with a
social deduction game is quite original,
many of this design’s mechanisms are not.
is is unabashedly a melding of popular
titles Secret Hitler and Good Cop, Bad
Cop. is is clear as day in forming a war
council where one player discards one of
three options before passing the other two
to another player (Secret Hitler), as well as
the important concept of possessing three
loyalty cards with a faction majority deciding
your allegiance (Good Cop, Bad Cop).

While derivation is not something
we should applaud, Patriots & Redcoats
manages to overcome this challenge and
present an experience that does separate
itself from its peers. Of immediate note
is the spycraft deck that leads to strategic
decisions of slowly revealing players’
allegiances. ere is also a multitude
of roles with special rules and abilities,
providing a touch of depth for players to
latch onto.
e collision of these concepts does
present a chewier and nuanced system.
is means the subtle nature can take a few
plays to fully internalise – and also leads to
occasional confusion.
All of this is worth the cost. e end result
is a social deduction aair that feels distinct
despite wearing its inuences on its sleeve.
As the hidden Patriots look to subvert the
Redcoats, tensions rise and accusations
ow like wine and mutton.

One of the most interesting aspects of
this design is how allegiances shift over
time. Players will occasionally pass one
of their loyalty cards to their neighbour,
possibly causing a cascade that upsets
the team make-up and provides a new
ground to battle over. You can of course
perform this swap strategically using
information you’ve gained throughout
play. Alternatively, this mechanism can
be used as a secondary path to victory;
the Patriot spy can outright win it for their
side if they are passed the Redcoat leader.
is dramatic outcome is thrilling and
most satisfying if performed purposely as
a coup de grâce.
is leads to the fact that length can be
variable. Much like Secret Hitler, each side
is racing to get their victories on the board
and ll the track. You will have games that
end abruptly and you will have others that
are drawn out with soldiers on both sides
ghting savagely for each inch of ground.
When that unexpected spy victory rears
its head the table will laugh and high-ves
will ensue.
Patriots & Redcoats is not the most
unique game, but it’s right up there in
terms of quality and accomplishment. e
integration of setting and mechanisms,
against all odds, undeniably works. e
resulting experience oered is both
delightful and thrilling.

ghting savagely for each inch of ground.
When that unexpected spy victory rears
its head the table will laugh and high-ves
will ensue.

Its gameplay will be
familiar to Secret Hitler
and Good Cop, Bad
Cop fans, but Patriots
& Redcoats’ historical
setting stands apart
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