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Supplies picked up during missions can be
used to improve both the characters and grow
their available supplies as part of an ongoing
progression system, giving them the increased
ability to face up to the more dicult foes and
objectives that lie ahead.
The missions themselves will change
with repeat plays too, with enemies taking
up new positions around the shifting board
layout, rooms revealing special features
and more. The one-shot playthroughs of
the raid mode are even more variable,
including the option for a personalised
experience with the map, mission and
Vrilmeister showdown of the players’
choice – or a totally randomised challenge.
Within the group, heroes can be formed
into teams to strengthen the bond between the
characters, letting players customise their play
style and unlock special bonuses as the result
of relationship between team members.
Players’ decisions and actions during
missions have an added weight throughout

ings start quietly as the Reichbusters
quietly inltrate the castles and bunkers of
the Vrilmeisters, dungeon-crawling their way
through the environments on their way to
each mission’s objective.
Players take turns, using their two available
actions to move, attack and explore the map.
e characters can bring along equipment
procured from the R&D department during
setup, or discover items on location while
poking around, adding weapons, healing
supplies and other helpful kit to their
personal inventory.
As the characters delve into the depths of the
Nazi hideout, they’ll encounter soldiers and
other units that must be dealt with – or else
risk raising the alarm and landing the heroes
in a dangerous situation. Players chuck dice to
attack and defend, as well as rolling to determine
the noise they create while sneaking around.
While all of the characters share basic skills,
each boasts a specialised set of talents that

gives them a unique role to play in the squad.
ey might be a crack shot with a sniper rie,
a ghost-like master of stealth or an expert in
blowing things up with explosives – whatever
their specialty, the characters’ individual decks
of hero cards give them the opportunity to
go beyond their standard actions and pull o
impressive combos to work together as a team
and ensure victory.
“It’s the co-ordination of these hero cards
which allow for epic moments and successful
missions,” says Drummond. “Each Reichbuster
also has two signature cards called hero feats,
which can be used to turn the tide or secure
that crucial objective right when you need to.”

Reichbusters’ missions can be tackled
piecemeal as standalone scenarios, but it’s
during the game’s connected campaign mode
that its world and characters really get to shine.
e story follows the Allied heroes as
they’re faced by increasingly tough challenges.
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