
(singke) #1 71

Western Legends is so keen to push
the edges of its world horizontally
that it often avoids the opportunity to
dig a little deeper into each separate
part, leaving it a little shallow under
the impressively broad surface. While
the universal nature of LP means you
can hypothetically focus on a single
part of the game, the simple nature of
each action – roll two dice to prospect,
collect then deliver a token to herd
cattle, play poker just with the three-
card op and so on – means you’ll
likely nd yourself sampling a little bit
of each portion rather than feasting
on just one, to avoid becoming bored
if nothing else. While the player
characters that populate its world
are a diverse wild bunch of real-life
heroes and villains, they too feel a little
underserved by a few random story
cards that oer only licks of generic
avour and individual goals that
are simply additional ways to score
LP rather than anything especially
character-driven or narrative-focused.
Fortunately, this all feels like a
missed opportunity rather than a
critical aw; the lightness of the
rules means things move swiftly and
everyone has the opportunity to see
everything, making the experience an
enjoyable western romp rather than
a heavy simulation of the real-life
drudgery of prospecting or cattle
herding. ere’s plenty of opportunity
for a spot of roleplaying your
particular spin on Jesse James or Bass
Reeves, too – though that’ll depend on
whom you’re playing with.
Western Legends succeeds
because it’s willing to sacrice a bit
of depth for the straightforward fun
of galloping around the Wild West,
taking in the breadth – if not the depth

  • of its expansive world. It’s a hugely
    entertaining way to spend an hour or
    two in the company of cowpokes; just
    don’t look too hard, otherwise you’ll
    notice that the bullets are blanks and
    that breathtaking sunset is little more
    than a painted screen.

Looking to expand
your legend from a
far-flung galaxy to
the dusty plains?
The sandbox of
Western Legends
will give you plenty
to play around with.


ost western board games
lack the sweeping scope of
the epic genre. You can duel
in Bang!, rob trains in Colt Express and
herd cattle in Great Western Trail – but
rarely has a single game attempted to
paint the entire canvas of life in the
Wild West.
Stepping in through those swinging
saloon doors with its spurs jangling and
a cocktail stick stuck rmly between its
teeth is Western Legends, a sandbox take
on being a rootin’-tootin’ cowpoke that
ambitiously tries to widen the lens to
cover everything from prospecting for
gold to reveling at the local cabaret.
Its kitchen sink approach to
gunslinging adventures is given
a dependable throughline by the
legendary points that players score,
and which are awarded for almost
every notable action in the game.
Win a game of poker, get LP. Sell gold
nuggets at the bank, get LP. Defeat a
rival in a duel, get LP. It’s a tidy way
of letting a player who wants to avoid
combat completely and spend their
time amassing money to upgrade
items (more LP) or completing their
character’s specic goals (you guessed

it: LP) stay neck-and-neck with an
anarchic outlaw robbing other players
of their nuggets, cash and cattle.
Adding to the feeling of open-world
freedom are the wanted and marshal
tracks, which layer in an aspect of
morality and reward (or punishment)
to players’ exploits. Players that
indulge in bank heists and cattle
rustling can earn regular LP each turn
while wanted by the law, but risk being
arrested by the sheri or ‘good’ players,
losing some of their fortune, LP and
possibly giving an upper hand to their
opponents. Staying on the straight
and narrow by arresting outlaws,
dispatching bandits and wrangling
cattle, meanwhile, awards bonus LP at
the end of the game, making it more of
a long-term commitment but a path
that can swing the nal standings.
e more immediate gains of being a
fugitive – and the risk-reward feeling
of being constantly on the run it
brings – versus the slower burn and
delayed gratication of the marshal
gives the game a satisfying level of
variety, interaction and player impact
on the world without saddling it with
convoluted rules.

Card Fight at the O.K. Corral


Designer: Hervé Lemaître | Artist: Roland Macdonald 60-90m 2-6 14+ £60

◗ Game board
◗ Six player mats
◗ 12 scoring cubes
◗ 12 story discs
◗ Two prospecting dice
◗ 36 gold nuggets
◗ Six wound tokens
◗ End of game marker
◗ 16 cattle tokens
◗ 18 legendary tokens
◗ First Player token
◗ Six player aids
◗ 12 character cards
◗ 40 story cards
◗ 52 poker cards
◗ 11 Man in Black cards
◗ 48 goal cards
◗ 54 money cards
◗ 13 fight cards
◗ 54 item cards
◗ Six player miniatures
(with coloured
plastic rings)
◗ Sheriff miniature
◗ Six bandit miniatures
◗ General Store stand

to play around with.

Western Legends is a massively
fun romp through the Wild West
that chucks almost every cliché
you can think of into a single box to
serve up a shallow but satisfying
feast of cowpoke exploits.


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