WebUser 01 May 2019

(Brent) #1

Best New Websites

Tell us about yourwebsite [email protected] 1 - 14 May 2019^17

Purrfect Landlords


Many landlordsrefusetoallow pets but
Cats Protectionreckons people with
feline friends are more likelytotreata
property as their home andstick around.
As such, the charity is laying out its
argumentsfor landlords while dishing
out advicetopotential cat-owning
tenants through a mix of downloadable
guides, an animated video, useful bullet
points and casestudies.The site is a bit
untidy,requiring some effort on the part
of the visitor, and finding useful info can
be tricky. But there are lots of helpful
links, anexampletenancy agreement and
even a suggested Pet CV, aswell as some
nice cat pics,too.

Chefs often tell you that people eat with
theireyes, in which caseWocobook is
goingtoleave you seriously hungry.
Despite having thousands ofrecipes,
there’s a distinct lack of photos soyou’re
never quite sure how something should
turn out, although the site encourages
anyone who rustles up a mealtotakea
snap and upload it. But while the
presentationcould be improved, there’s
a feast of categories, from appetisersto
sandwiches.The searchfacility is also
fastand letsyou lookfor recipesby
name or ingredients. Make sureyou have
a converter handy, though, because the
recipes use Americanstandards.




Publishedweekly in the UK from 19 70 to1991,Soundswas a rivaltoNMEandMelody
Maker, breaking new acts and movements from Nirvanatopunk, its pagesrocking
withrespectedvoices, from JohnPeeltoJonRonson.This site heralds itsrebirth asa
limited print-run magazine and letsyou read offbeatfeatures and interviews, catch
up with the latestnewsandreviews, and discover new music(some articlesfeature
playable tracks and social-media links).Welovethat it’s regularly updated and that
clicking the menu showsyou the latestposts.You can alsokeep popping backtoread
comments or share articles, and the site looks particularly good on mobile devices.


Visit North East
England’s North East has heritage dating
backtothe BronzeAge,but the main
focus of this site is on the here and now.
It encouragesyou tovisit Newcastle,
Durham,Gateshead, Sunderland and
beyond, giving a solid flavour of each
area. Sadly, whenwelooked, the same
eventswerebeing promotedregardless
of a specific location and,worse, many
had already happened. But there’sstill
plentytosee, with lots of vivid images,
great videos and articles and an
abundance of linkstosights and cities.
We’dliketosee lessreliance on the
pull-down menufor navigation, though.


Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH

Our rating HHHHH


Explore Churches
ManyEnglish churches havea
fascinatingstoryto tell: Gloucester
Cathedral,for example, provided the
backdropfor scenes in three Harry
Potter films while Hull Minster is
linked with slave-trade abolitionist
WilliamWilberforce. The new
Experiences section of Explore
Churches providescontenttobetter
explore this heritage, with guided
tours, panoramic viewsand visitsto
iconic eateries. However, clicking
Book Now simply led us backtothe
homepage andwehad problems
signing upfor an account, whichyou
needfor favourites and wishlists.

Our rating HHHHH




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