WebUser 01 May 2019

(Brent) #1

Inthe darkest recessesof the internet,
the air threatens toturnsoblue,it’dmake
a hardeneddocker blush.The Advanced
Profanity Filter (bit.ly/profanity4 74 )
makesthe web more pleasant for you
andyourfamily.After installation, click
the add-on’s toolbar buttontotake
controlofwhatyou see online –start by
togglingthe tooltoOn, thenclick
Options tocensor, substituteorremove
swear words,andblacklist andwhitelist
specificdomains. The extension even
works onvideosubtitles– albeit
Under Words,you can addwords tothe ban list –use the drop-down menu
toautomatically addthem, but make sureyou tickFilter if you wantto avoidthe
reallynasty stuff (strong stomach advised). Onceyou’veselecteda word, you can
decide which wordwill replace it, aswell ashowthe toolmatches curse words.

Best New Browser Tools

Tell us yourfavourite add-ons atwww.facebook.com/webusermagazine

Block offensive words on

websites automatically

Apply adark modeto
Messenger isthe bestplace togo
for Facebook messages– it’s a lot
easier tofocus onyourchats
without the backgroundchatter
of the social network’s newsfeed,
sponsored adverts andmarketplace
notifications.But you knowwhatelse
makesit eveneasier toconcentrate?
Darkmode. Enablingit inthe
smartphone appisnowsimple, but not
soeasy whenusingmessenger.com,
which dazzlesyourretinas with
its bleached-out appearance.
Messenger Dark Theme (bit.ly/
dark474) solvesthe problemby
applyingthe universally popular dark
mode to yourbrowser experienceand
making messaging fareasieronthe
eyes, especially atnight. Toswitchback
toclassicmode, gotoFirefox’s Add-ons
section andclickDisablenexttothe

Keepyour tabs
(bit.ly/hide4 74 ) isone ofour
favourite newadd-onsfor Opera

  • and not justbecauseit does
    exactlywhatyou think it does.
    It alsogetsthe thumbs-up from
    usfor its sheer speed. Whether
    you’vegot one opentab or
    manyon-screen,hit the Hide
    Tabs iconandina blink ofan
    replacedwith your usual
    homepage.Anothertap of the
    icon magicallybringsthemback
    asif nothing happened. This is
    secrets suchasgifts,oryou
    don’t wanteveryone aroundyou
    toknowwhatyou’relooking at.

Install the add-on
that addsup
Windowshas offered
a calculator since time
immemorial, but getting toit
involvesgoing through the Start
menu. SimpleCalculator (bit.ly/
away. It’s
‘does what
it sayson
the tin’extension for Opera –
designed, it works instantly.
the iconagain,which makes the
add-on disappear, won’t
immediatelyclear yourcurrent
workingsout; yoursums stay
saved inthe calculator untilyou
pressC for clear.


This fortnight’s most useful tips and add-ons to help you get the

most from Chrome, Firefox, Opera and more

Downloadvideos from
almost anysite
Unlikemany extensionsfor
downloading videos fromthe web,
Video DownloaderProfessional
(bit.ly/vid474) isn’t restrictedto
YouTube. You can alsouse it on
Facebook,Instagram, DailyMotion,
Vimeo and,sothe developer says,
“many more”.
Ratherthan adding anewbutton on
a website,downloads are handled
within the add-on itself: finda video
you wanttodownload, thengivethe
icona click. You’ll likelysee alist of
availableresolutions of varying video
quality,while otheroptions include
copying the videolinkor opening it in
separatewindow.If you’reona page
with multiplevideos,the add-on
helpfully displaysthemina list,
making it idealfor sites likeFacebook.
See our cover featureon page 40
for more adviceabout downloading
web videos.

1 - 14 May 2019 33
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