Workshop 2
54 1 - 14 May 2019
Wirelessly share files
between all your devices
Choose a device and installFeem v4 on it (we’ve installed
it on an iPad). Linkstothe mobile apps can befoundat You don’t havetogiveFeem permissiontosend
you notifications^1 butyou do havetoallow accesstophotos,
files andfolders.The Windowsversion triggers the ‘Windows
protectedyour PC’ screen – click ‘More info’tobypass it.
The most likelyreason whyFeem might notwork is
becauseyour devices aren’t all on the same network. Ifyou
havemore than one network(such as 2.4GHz and 5GHz),
make sureeverything’s on the same one. InWindows, click the
‘Internet access’ symbol in the notification area.^1 Compare
networks withyour mobile devices.^2
You’re shown what networkyou’re on^1 and the device is
given a name.^2 The initials in the iconreflect the name of
the device,^3 with another icon that showswhat kind of
device it’s installed on.^4 This helpsyou distinguishyour
devices whenyou add more.Install the software or app on any
other devicesyou wanttoshare files between.
Asyou installFeem on each device,you should see them
appear on each others’ screens. If one device doesn’t
appear on the others, check it’s on thecorrect network,^1
then close the app andrestart it. Here,on theWindowsapp,
you can see it’s connectedtoan Android^2 and an Apple^3
hy is it that the file you want to use is never on the
right device? Whether it’s a photo on your
Android phone that you want to edit on your PC,
or a document on your PC that you want to read on your
iPad, you need to jump through hoops to email it to yourself
or sync it through the cloud. Either of these options means
uploading, downloading and switching between devices
and apps, leaving a trai l of files behind you.
Feem cuts all this nonsenseto its simplest level, letting
you share files between anycombination ofyour
devices, whether they runWindows, Android, iOS,
macOS or Linux, as long as they’re allconnectedto
the same wireless network.You don’teven needto
be connectedto the internet.
Feem: | 20 mins | Windows Android macOS Linux iOS
Andy Shaw says
The freeversion ofFeem is surprisingly
powerful but there are afew advantages
toupgradingtoa paid-for plan, such as
sharing files between a lot of devicesat
once,changing the slightly daft device
names or changing the default download
folder.You can do this through the
Device Settings option onceyou’ve
upgraded. MovingtoProcosts $4.99
(around £3.81)for 1-4 devices, and $9.99
(around £7.63)for 5-19 devices.
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