WebUser 01 May 2019

(Brent) #1
What’s New Online

Tell us yourfavourite new thingsattwitter.com/webusermagazine 1 - 14 May 2019^7

bit.ly/flights4 74
There are many online flight trackers, but few of
them use an interactive globe andfewer still are
as simple asthis new Live Flights tool. It depicts
planes as red and blue shapes – the former
denoting ai rcraft flying into one of 10 airports
aroundthe world and blue showing those flying
away. You can also zoom in and hover over the
planes to see more information about them.

Shareyour phone screen
bit.ly/skype 474
If you’re signed up to the Skype
Insider beta programme, try this
new feat ure for sharing what’s on
your iOS and Android screen. Just
tap the “...” icon, select Shar e
Screen and start your broadcast.

Changeyour PS4 onlineID
bit.ly/ps4 74
Do you fancychangingyour
PlayStation Network ID to
something snappier? Sign in with
your existing ID and select PSN
Profile in the menu, then click Edit
next to your Online ID and it’ll now
prompt you for a new one.

Seethe UK’s top takeaways
Whether you love Chinese, Indian or
pizza, you can now compare your
favourite takeaway tuck with others
across the UK. Just Eat shows each
region’s four most popular dish es,
linking to its orde ring system.

With th e eigh th and final season of
HBO’s blockbuster TV hit now airing
on Sky Atlantic, you may want to see
how theGame of Thronesstor y and
charac ters ha ve fared so far. This map
lets you
select an
to explore
where the
place. It
also lets
you see
who was
involved and whether anyone died or
had sex (the likelihoodof both being
high). Selecting a charac ter in a scene
tells you how long they appeared for,
and you may be surprised by who has
had the most screen time.

bit.ly/puzzle4 74
Rather than providin g you with a set of
rules from the outset like most puzzle
games, Compass Rose challengesyou
to work them out for yourself. As such,
the game can be difficult and
frustrating, but with lateral thinkin g
and timely use of th e built-in hint
system, you should find yourself
making progress. Playable for free in
your browser, the game is based on
a set of riddles, the solutions for which
let you move from room to room.
You can also download all of th e
game’s assets for free and use them in
any way you like.

bit.ly/security4 74
Android smartphones runningversion 7 (Nougat)
or higher now have a built-in securi ty key. This can
be used to verify any attempts you make to log
into your Google account on a Bluetooth-enabled
Chrome OS, macOS or Windows 10 computer.
All you have todo to get set up is click Add
Security Key in your 2-Step Verification settings
and select your phone.

View live global flights

Explore the

world of Game

of Thrones

Play an online

puzzle game

Use your Android phone

as a security key

We pick the 10 best things you must do on the web this fortnight


Keepupwith football
GoogleAssistant’s new
SportsFacts skillkeeps you upto
datewith the latestfootball info.
Simply say, for example,“Whenare
[ateam] playing,” or“what are the
Premier Leaguestandings”.

Use Siri with AirPods
Double-tapone ofyour Apple
AirPods(or say “HeySiri” on
second-gen devices)toadjust the
volume, play, pause and skipyour
music, and check the battery.

Play AppleMusic
Openthe mainmenuinthe
Alexa app, select Skills &Games
and search for the newAppleMusic
skill. Tap Enable,use your AppleID
tosignintoyour account and you
canplay yourtunes via Alexa.
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