2019-06-01 net

(Brent) #1



I have been interested in archery ever since I
was a child – I had one of those old Nerf
bows from the 1990s, which I adored! It was not
until my husband enrolled me into a local archery
club a few years ago that I finally started to shoot
with a real bow.
It is quite an unusual sport to do. Whenever I
mention to new colleagues that I shoot in my
spare time they are always intrigued by it.
Everyone has seen archery in some form or
another – whether in a medieval reenactment or
in a movie – but very few people have actually
tried it themselves. Unless you have, you don’t
appreciate how hard and tiring it can be. It is not
just the physical strain of holding the bow in one
hand whilst drawing your string with your back
muscles but also the mental strain of focusing on
your target and calming your mind.
It is that composure that has really helped me
concentrate as a developer. When you are staring
down your sight, steadying your hand and
focusing on calming your breath, you cannot let
anything distract you. Your attention needs to be
solely on your breathing and your target. Ignore
the person behind you laughing or what the
archer beside you is getting up to. Everything is
about being in complete control of what you are

doing and understanding how everything you are
doing feels.
In the same way, when I am developing a
website I need to ignore everything around me
and focus on the piece of code I am writing. I am
taking highly complex scenarios and breaking
them down into manageable chunks, whilst
holding the map of where different functions are
called in my head. Any distraction will cause this
to completely disappear. Naturally this can be
very mentally draining; however archery is
helping me to increase my mental stamina.
Reaching that state of focus and composure is
quite meditative. After a stressful day in the
office, forcing yourself to breathe slowly and
focus on the target offers a great relief. There is
also the stress-release benefit of walking back
and forth to the target to retrieve your arrows.
Archery is like programming in that if you hit the
gold with your arrow (or your function works the
first time), it is an unexpected delight!


Natalie de Weerd explains how her love of archery helps her
stay on target in her role as a web developer


De Weerd (@nataliedeweerd) is a
creative full-stack web developer,
cat lover and escape-room



Web developer

Tailwind CSS is a functional
CSS/utility-first framework
that is easy to configure and
extend. It isn’t a UI kit; it’s a
library of utility classes
mapped to one property and
value that lets me rapidly
build out websites without
worrying about the cascade
or breaking components.

As a team lead, as much of
my time is spent doing project
management as writing code
(if not more). Trello keeps me
up to date with feature
requests and bugs, what my
team is working on and gives
a high-level overview of my
team’s workload vs capacity.

Statamic is my go-to CMS. It’s
a flat-file CMS based on
Laravel, so it plays with Git
and extending it is easy. The
development experience is
top-notch, the support and
documentation is unrivalled
and the user experience is the
best I’ve found.
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